Monthly Archives: March 2019

Rimel Smith ENG2575 E294 3/28

pedro presentation was based on publishing companies like BuzzFeed.He gave a description of the company BuzzFeed which was focusing on publishing and their business model. he focused on the issues that the companies were facing as it relates to the integration into social media and the model of the business. His personal opinion was that the quality of content needs to be managed which will result in better news.

Travis focused on edge computing. three largest edge computing is AWS Azure and Google cloud. the shift from cloud computing to edge computing is the shift back to local computing. the main reason for this shift is latency makes the processing of information faster since the majority of the processes are done locally. it also allows us to have more bandwidth and this would allow for new technologies such as the self-driving car to strive since latency is a big concern. edge computing will control more of our life since we have entered into the eco-systems of the cooperate “overlords”.

Joesph presentation was focused on 5g written. 5g is a set of ground rule that defines the working of the radio network. Qualcomm predicts that the 5g experience will be 20 times faster than the 4g experience. it will dramatically reduce latency in technologies that include mobility. it is expected to arrive in the second quarter of 2019. Samsung currently has a prototype of the 5g mobile and apple will not be a part of the 5g wave. The article did not mention the cost of new technology. the cost was seen in the data plans when 4g was introduced

FIRE presentation

This article is about how to retire in your 30’s. The articles show how many people who joined the FIRE movement to be able to retire early. The ways to retire is to save your and money and invest it. The goal of these two concepts is to maximize saving and amass income generating investment. Within these two concepts exists three type being Lean FIRE , fat FIRE, Barista FIRE.

ENG 2575 E294 Oral Presentation 3/21/19

Cyber security: China and Iran

Awareness on this subject is very important. Hacking from other countries may be the starting point of a new world war. Many Universities and Colleges are already building their IT curriculum for a future army or military of cyber security professionals. Furthermore, diplomacy in the US is where it starts and ends.

How to retire at 30

The fire movement is a very interesting movement. Though it may be practical to a very small class of well income households, it may not be a a practical methodology among most of us. Furthermore, living in New York City is a hard place to live and make a substantial amount of money. This concept of investment may widen the eyes of some but not in this City.


China cyber attacks on the U.S.

I really enjoyed this presentation because it showed us, the audience, how cyber attacks take place and how they attack routers in order to find out the information you are sending over the internet, such as emails and passwords

How to Retire in Your 30s with 1 million in the bank

Your life or your money? This is the main topic about the presentation is about how to invest enough money so one can retire early. According to the presenter, many people at their 30s are really stressed out and need a break from their day to day lives and retiring is the answer.


Rimel Smith ENG2575 E294 3/21

China cyberattacks on Us

Brian gave insight into the importance of cybersecurity and the technicality was also given about the creation of an attack. The association of technology politics and business was made and the root of the attacks was made clear giving a projection of what the state of cybersecurity in the future.


mustafa started off with stories which made the fire movement necessary regardless of the amount of money that you make. the fire movement id rooted in saving and investment that will enable an employee to retire in his 30s. he describes the conditions under which the fire movement will be beneficial and also the different types of fire movementsRimel Smith ENG2575 E294 3/14


The topic that Brian chose intrigued me which was cyber attacks against the U.S.A. Brian presented the topic well and stayed straight to the point. The presentation was not too long and it was effective.

Mustafa’s topic of retiring early with a million dollars caught my attention. I did not expect this topic to be presented. I felt like the delivery of the presentation was not strong. I could not clearly hear his words. I was a little confused by the presentation.