Travis Naraine ENG2575 E294 3/14


  • What can we do to protect our data when browsing the web on public WiFi?
  • I found this topic interesting. Not much thought goes into how we should protect our data/privacy on the web.


  • Do you think learning in general (for example in the school system) would benefit from individual 1 on 1 attention/training?
  • I like the mention of how 1 on 1 training can help catch mistakes and immediately make a informative response so the trainee can learn from his or her mistake.

Tim Lobov – Augmented Reality 

  • I like the idea of Augmented Reality enabling us to make informative decisions. I could see my self using AR glasses to help decorate my room.
  • Do you think Augmented Reality will further develop for use in the consumer market, or will it turn out to be a fad like 3D glasses?


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