Presentation Response

This presentation is about the safety of online banking. The article discusses of when to look at sensitive information and to look out for the type of wi-fi you are connecting to. One practice the article recommends is to not use public wi-fi since those networks aren’t safe.

The article is about historical European material arts and how it was taught back then. The way it was taught back then is in a group. In the Olympics athletes trained in one on one training. One to one provides much better understanding in the learning the technique and more physically productive . Studies have shown that students are more happier this way because since they learn at a much faster pace they make less mistakes. Even they make mistakes it can be fixed right away.

This article is about the future of AR. Mirror world is a concept to copy the real world we live in. The goal is make it as interactive as possible like being able to drink in AR. Some uses is to help you set up your room depending on what the algorithm tells you. Some uses for it today is that the lens tell you what breed of dog you have or type of plant you see. Some downsides it that the government will be able to watch you even more.

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