Monthly Archives: March 2019

Travis Naraine ENG2575 E294 3/28 Oral Presentation

Pedro – Digital Media – What Went Wrong

  1. My perspective about digital ads is this filled the gap from the shift to the web from physical media like newspapers.
  2. Ads fund the “free” internet and offset the costs of running websites, so I don’t really mind them.Travis – (me) Edge Computing

Joseph – 5G

  1. 5G seems like it will be a benefit to the general society, what disadvantages does this technology have?
  2. Do you think the 5G infrastructure is necessary for the future of IoT devices or autonomous cars?

Oral Presentation Response 3/28 (TL)

p1) You said that Vice took the lead in firing more than 250 employees. Do you feel like they, and other companies like them, need to compete within that media market anymore once they’ve expanded into cable and other digital media?

You say that titles are misleading. With so much media overload, do you feel like media companies can compete without using click-bait in a non-subscription based model?

p2) Do you feel like edge computing, which has significant growth potential, is more likely to be stifled or abused by governments?

Because local devices will still need to be created by and connected to these major companies, do you feel like consumer behavior is at risk for control?

p3) Latency and response times seem crucial to the success of 5G. However, the limitations of 4G still seem to be present. (e.x. phones underground or interference r bandwidth) Is there anything different about how the signal reaches devices? ((Answered))


Daniel Heeralall ENG2575 E294 Presentation Question 4

Pedro –> Very informative presentation. I will take the advice about questioning everything. It also ties in with my presentation of the momo challenge.

Travis–> Will we keep on having shifts like this – between computer technology? Is this a good move into the future?

Joseph–> Joseph raised some important points today, cautioning users not to buy into 5G yet and that the current implementations of 5G aren’t genuine technology and most popular from a marketing standpoint.



Digital media what went wrong

In 2019 many journalists have been layoff because of low profit. However the legacy publishers are growing in terms of readership. What went is wrong for small publishers is the ad business model and social media platforms. Another thing is the subscriptions trend that is working as model of payment. This models allows for better quality of content,

Presentation 2

what is the edge of computing

This article is about edge computing. Which is about IoT meaning that it uses the cloud for it’s functionality. With edge it hopes to reduce latency from the cloud by using chips embedded in the products. Some benefits it will bring is less bandwidth  from the cloud  and make self driving more effective due to less latency. My question is how long till edge computing be mainstream.

Presentation 3

what is 5G?

This article is about 5G which is the fifth generation of mobile smartphones. This generation is going to focus on robots , security , drones and cars. 5G sets the rules for radio frequencies and how hardware handle the these frequencies. Qualcomm predicts that 5G will be so fast that many customers won’t have to worry about download speeds. The focus on reduced  latency is due to the raise of robots and drones. The U.S. will have 5G by the second quarter of 2019. My question is how long will 5G last before 6G comes out.


Digital media:

it reminds me of how AOL and yahoo so huge before. and now facebook, twitter and other social media take it over.

Edge computing:

it’s really interesting topic, and cloud computing is the future. My concern for cloud computing is how it is going to eliminate the security issue.


5G is coming as we all know, and I agree with most classmates mention that there is real 5G standard yet, and we can expect 5G in next few years.



“Digital Media: What went wrong”

I really liked this presentation because it brought up how companies don’t put any effort into the quality of their work and instead they focus on ways to take our money such as with paid subscriptions.

“What is edge computing?”

I really liked this presentation, it brought to my attention how many of my day-to-day devices are always sending data over to the cloud and how more and more devices are joining this type of strategy and how we as users are giving up privacy for convenience.

“What is 5G?”

This presentation focused on how different companies are implementing this new type of technology, in the sense that many companies are developing new antennas to handle the amount of speed that this new technology has to offer.

What went wrong, What is edge computing, 5G

Presentation 1- a very current issue that i see everyday and even fall victim too its important to always be thinking bout the information you receive and fact check. especially when it comes to these “shock value” kind of articles and click bait that only wants your attention.
Presentation 2 – edge computing reminds me of the times me and my friends would hook our computers and xboxes up to each other for more players and have a LAN party, its interesting to see that everything is trying to be localized and sent to us from afar before hand and then having it at our disposal. a little strange o wrap our heads around but i do dislike the idea of everything just happening, control of my device should be in my hands.
Presentation 3 – I want to look tword the future as far as speed goes and I always asked myself how fast can we really go? we are always trying to move up and its so fast in the way we do that its hard to keep up. is it all really needed? we can watch full movies already on our phones and do so much. it seems to fall into a niche when we bring things to such a high level.

Shaunna Budhram ENG 2575 E 294 – Presentations 3/28/2019

Pedro – Digital Media – What went wrong

Pedro spoke about Buzz feed and why it did not survive. Does the article say if you pay for the Article does the adds go away? Even if you pay for the Articles, it could still be false information. Just because your paying for an article does not mean it’s true.

Travis – What is Edge Computing

This was a very interesting article. Travis states 2019 is about Edge Computing. Our devices are getting smarter with AI chips that will hold intelligence info without going out to the internet.

Joseph – What is 5G

Per the article we will be able to download huge amounts of data in a short amount of time. This would mean we will use a lot more bandwidth making our phone bills higher or throttled bandwidth.




Oral Presentation Responses, 3/28

  1. (My presentation)
  2. The idea of edge computing seems to be a complement to the cloud, as new industries are moving away from running software locally to the cloud. So each framework has its own use and will (and have always) coexist together.
  3.  Have the health effects been addressed? Early reports suggested some animals, like birds, were affected by 5G frequencies.