
The movie Gravity starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney is about a couple of astronauts who are doing research in space, everything seems fine until the moment an asteroid has an impact with their space shuttle causing lots of debris to start flying at high speed around the earth. The astronauts are forced to flee in an escape pod but soon they run out of fuel and their radio goes out because the debris knocked down several satellites that allowed them to communicate. One of the astronauts gets out of the pod in an attempt to fix an electrical problem and the debris knocks George Clooney out of place sending him flying away and leaving only Sandra Bullock behind, this event causes her to have a mental breakdown and to even consider giving up on survival. The movie shows a flashback of her life giving her different reasons to consider survival.


The movie “Gravity” starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney takes place at a space shuttle orbiting around the earth. These two astronauts are repairing and monitoring different satellites in order to keep them working as they should. The plot gives a great turnaround when an asteroid impacts a satellite which causes a great amount of debris to impact their space shuttle causing a bast amount of damage to the whole structure and communication systems, putting their mission and lives at risk. One of the astronauts dies throughout the film leaving the other astronaut with a mental breakdown even considering giving up on survival. The remaining astronaut pulls through the breakdown and manages to reach a escape pod and successfully reaches earth.


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