Monthly Archives: February 2019


Dear Steve,

This is the progress I have so far for project 2. The word I chose is “Progress”, I am trying to combine in some way the progress in technology and compare it to the progress in nature and how both have evolved over time and become what they are today. I would also like to include some sort of point of view of how technology might affect the progress of nature in a good way. I currently have two peer reviewed articles and a couple of general journals that focus on the development of technology and how nature has been affected by it throughout time.


Juan Regalado


Travis Naraine ENG2575 E294 2/28 Progress

I was able to continue researching my word terminal. I’ve found 2 peer review articles relating to terminal in a non technical manner. For example describing terminal illnesses. I was able to find some information on the etymology of the word terminal. One issue I’m having is finding a peer reviewed article on the world terminal in a technical manner.


Daniel Heeralall ENG2575 E294 Project 2: Progress

Dear Steve,

I’ve found a plethora of definitions for the word Bridge. However, I’m having a bit of difficulty finding peer review journals pertaining to the topic. I’m finding reviews on poems instead. Poets love to compose on, and talk about bridges. Is there another database that would be suitable for finding resource? Additionally, I have a few general texts that expand the definitions.

Daniel H.


Good evening, Prof. Rosenstein.

Despite choosing the word “Infrastructure” for this project, it’s proven to be a bit difficult. I’m still very much in the introductory stages of the project, trying to organize an argument. While the O.E.D. does provide an etymology for the word, the word itself only has one major definition to work off of. It’s a pretty uniform word that doesn’t seem as malleable as I thought initially. I’m still looking into sources to use from JSTOR, but a few I’ve looked at only seem to use the word rather sparsely. Would it even be possible to create an argument involving the  root words “infra-” and “structure”? I’m dancing with the idea of illustrating how the unifying of these root words has helped in solidifying the defining of projects and endeavors that I can reference (within reason, of course)?

Thank you!
-Joel D.


Good Evening Professor,

As an update, I was able to so far obtain 2 peer review documents based on telecommunications systems. I was able to obtain the history and creation of the word telecommunications. So far, I formulated the introduction as well as second paragraph of the paper. There are various different applications of telecommunication such as optical, wireless as well as communications through physical electrical cables. Using these many applications, the definition of the word telecommunications, can be thoroughly explained.

Thank you,



Hello Steve I am in a bit of a standstill in the progress of project 2 . I have done some research on the different uses of the word air however are dictionary sources enough to compare and contrast the different uses ? What I need to do now is research the origins of the word air and where it comes from. I sent you an email on whether these are good uses or not.  The main goal to get this project going is to final scholarly articles on the word air.