4/18 Oral Presentation Response (TL)

Candida Auris

You talked about people with weak immune systems being especially susceptible; does the fungus infect any one demographic more than others?

What conditions does it grow best in?


Digital spying existed before smart-home items, such as taking control of a node’s connected peripheral items. Do you believe that it is even possible to be connected and 100% protected at the same time?


Fabio :
Net neutrality annulment really harmed us or personally me in the way the sites that I visited before are tremulously slower now. The load balancer is extremely affected and hopes we get the neutrality back in recent days.

Technology changing the way we had the treatment lagging, we had to wait days before we could get the test results and see the doctor and be cured. With the recent developments, I have benefited with an MRI I performed was done right away and I had the CD with the result and were able to see the doctor right the next day.


The outbreaks are unavoidable since the mutation ability of these variables. are prescribes by Joel and the government entities are to vaccinate everyone as soon as possible and report the incident to the authority.


Net Neutrality

This presentation was really informative, it presented how net neutrality had a different purpose rather than making the internet a better and more efficient environment. Net neutrality tried to have an effect on how ISPs try to influence how we live our lives and how they try to make as much money as possible on our behalf.

Looking to technology to avoid doctor offices and emergency rooms

The presentation went straight to the point, how technology is being currently developed to help the medical field from how different diseases are being diagnosed to how treatments are developed with the help of AI, this is a great example of how technology could improve the quality of our lives.

The threat of candida auris

This presentation brought up the topic of how a fungus with the ability to resist many of the known antibiotics can kill a person in roughly 90 days. One interesting fact was that 1st world countries are being attacked most frequently, one of the reasons why this could be is because of their sophisticated methods of cleaning and how the fungus and viruses have to fight harder to survive and this could be the main reason of how these viruses have created a way to survive the most cleanest conditions.

How to protect your smart home from hackers

The presentation taught us how to isolate your network and recommended to set up a stronger password, to secure your devices, and encrypt our data. Big organizations are pressuring companies to enforce stronger security practices. The presentation stated that by the end of 2019 there would be about 42 million smart homes and that is a really big number, and its even more tempting for someone with the ability and time to hack a smarthome.

Presentation Response 4/18/2019

Rejwoan – Technology vs Doctor

For more that technology can be enhance to treat diseases and sickness a doctor and human intervention is necessary in any treatment.

Joel – Candida Auris

The article doesn’t mention how is the disease transmitted, if it is not virus it would have been good to mention whats the vector or how is the fungus growing on the mentioned areas.

Haesan – SmartHomes

The concept of Smarthomes is relatively new, it belongs to the broader concept of IOT.


Rimel Smith ENG2575 E294 4/18

net neutrality- this is a proposal o the internet which was first conceived by Tim Wu in 2003. the problem with net neutrality is that it does not provide an open internet. The initial definition of the article is not specific. a problem that they are trying to resolve is network congestion. The concept is not neutral as the plans are ambiguous and provide the opposite idea of the problem. this can be easily used as a tool by ISP and lawmakers get lost in the detail due to the complexities. the isp could also control the apps and services and put caps on the performance and speed. Furthermore, the providers can also block your access as they will become a watchdog. This implementation could also impact small businesses economically; animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others. Additionally, the chair of the FCC agrees that Net neutrality is a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist.

looking into technology to avoid the doctor office

the article talks about improvements that are happening in medical technology today. this technology includes diagnostic technology, voice analysis


the threat candida Auris
This is a form of fungal infection that can infect people by entering the bloodstream. it was first discovered ina Japanese woman in 2009 and it is said to be very dangerous as it is immune to the anti-fungal drugs. Recent infections took place in hospitals which resulted in the hospitals being quarantined. Outbreaks have been seen worldwide since the first outbreak. The CDC has report 600 cases in the united states. A lot of the patients dies in a 90 day period. Majority of the outbreaks has happened in hospitals and nursing homes.


how to protect your home from smart home hackers
the home appliances are connected to our wifi and they are vulnerable to hackers. There have been reported incidents of smart home hackings. There are approximately 42 million smart home devices. We have to protect our router by changing the default password. it is also recommended that we isolate our network that way we have wifi for guest separately. It is recommended to use a unique password for everything. we should also stick with the known brands that could come up with updates when a vulnerability is detected.make sure the automatic updates are enabled


Fabio Pauluio

Net Neutrality

This presentation is about the importance of net neutrality. With this it allows for innovation and communication with the entire world. The problem with net neutrality is that it is misunderstood in terms of concept. It has been used as a manipulation tool by the FCC. Also law makers don’t understand the concept of the internet.  My question is where is the middle line between net neutrality.


Looking at technology to avoid doctors

This article discusses about how technology can improve the medical field. One aspect is doctor  diagnosis. Another one is voice analysis to help detect medical problems using artificial intelligence. Radios and Wi-if is used with x-rays to detect the movement of patients when it comes from movement disorders. My question is how far will technology go to.

The threat Candida Auris

It is a fungus that can infect from entering the bloodstream. It was found in a Japanese women in her ear. No single point of origin as of yet. In certain reports is that it has been immune to most anti fungus drugs. It is a bigger problem for people who have weaker immune system. Major cases have been found in New York , New Jersey , and Illinois.  The infected tend to die in a 90 day period. My question is will we become zombies?

How to protect your smart home from hackers


This article is about how to protect stuff connected to the internet from being accessed from the internet.  Some stuff that can happen is being locked out of your home because of your smart lock. Another thing is that they can hack into cameras to spy on you. There will be 42 million smart homes by the end of 2019. Do you think there will be backlash from these type of products?


Travis Naraine ENG2575 E294 4/18/19 Presentations Comments

Fabio – Net Neutrality

  1. I think it will be interesting to see how the repeal of net neutrality will play out. As of now, there arent much “big” changes that have taken place, so I’m curious how ISPs will monetize on no net neutrality and bill users per access to websites/services.

Rajwoen – Looking at technology to avoid doctor office

  1. The article is about using wifi and radio waves to see through walls of patients to check for falls and such.
  2. This concept seems pretty futuristic, but also scary if it can be exploited, and this technology gets into the wrong hands.

Joel Diaz – The Thread of Candida Auris

  1. Candida Auris is a fungus which can infect organisms after entering into the bloodstream.
  2. Hospital and nursing homes are places where Candida Auris cases have appeared most commonly

Ahasan Khabir – How to Protect Smart Home from Hackers 

  1. From the presentation the takeaways I found most helpful is to always use dual factor authentication. Such as DUO or Google Authenticator. If you are selling a device wipe it clean


Oral Presentations 4/18/19

Net neutrality :

Control is the issue when it comes to net neutrality . Though there should be a limit to what .illegal and legal content should be monitored, unlimited bandwidth  shouldn’t be limited to how and when what to watch.

Looking to technology to avoid doctors offices :

Technology and Medical science also comes at a cost. The question I have is how much will this cost ? The government will insist on how this technology and health care will effect us in the future .

Candida Auris:

This type of bacteria leads to many questions .  How can we ever know if we are infected by this?  Has anyone ever defeated this?  This fungus doesn’t look like its curable.

How to protect your smart home from hackers?:

Smart home security is vital for our protection. How do we know if we are secure 100%? We can only put our trust into the companies provided to us. We should take measures but even those measures are questionable.


ShaunnaBudhram Eng2575E294 – Presentations 4/18/2019

Fabio – Net Neutrality is back in play as Democratic Lawmakers Announces a Bill. – I do not agree that net neutrality was ahead of its time. I was implemented to keep our searches free and open for us to browse the internet.

Rejwoan – Looking into technology to avoid doctor offices.  – This will be great for everyone. People will be able to get diagnosed earlier and get a possible treatment plan.

Joel – The threat Candida Auris – This virus seems to be very dangerous. The spread of this fungus can have a big impact on our Society.

Ahasaan – How to protect your smart home from hackers – Very helpful especially since most people have smart devices in their home.

Presentations 4/18/19

Net neutrality- This issue has been around and seems to constantly be in a sin wave. just going up in awareness then back down its important that the internet stays open and neutral for many reasons. it is a massive platform for everyone yo use for any kind of reason and service, without that it only allows the big wigs to use it to their advantage and further suppress anyone looking to grow in the digital world. its potential to cause problems for consumers is huge while only benefiting the ISP’s and it should be looked at seriously because of that.
Advancements to avoid doctors- It sounds like a movie, imagine robots taking care of you in such a way is crazy. Medical advances should be first in line but they typically become the most expensive and difficult things to pursue witch to me is strange. fixing a human is far more difficult then what we look into to destroy things.
Candida Auris – Fungi are scary, typically very strong and resistant to many treatments. while uncommon its best to avoid them by staying away and clean. it is scary but dont let it trick you, its uncommon and rare, mostly affecting people with already compromised immune systems. making your body a place where it cant grow is ideal, now im no doctor but staying healthy is always sound advice, the micro-biom in your body is a precious balance that helps keep you kicking, take care of it.
Smart home protection – I have heard about multiple instances of people using these smart techs to already take advantage of peoples privacy and business the best thing you can really do about it is have strong passwords and keep as much personal information off as possible. data is a strong thing and if we arent carefull someone may just be able to open your smart lock from afar, witch is a scary thought.