Chauncey Dumaguing, Last Month of Class

With one month left in the semester, the work load is starting to get harder each passing week. For Project 3, the instruction manual, there is one more week left before we need to submit it in. I have finished half of the project, and I just need a couple of pictures to make the instruction manual more interesting and to edit it so it fits within the word count needed for the project. After that is done, the final project is coming up, which we will be assigned to groups for that. I have some reservations about this upcoming project, as I will need to work with people I don’t know all that well, and I am wondering if they will be able to complete the part of their work that each of us will need to get done to obtain a good grade for this project. I hope that this final project will be accomplished without any problems, but I do have some doubts about it.

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