Monthly Archives: October 2017

AhmedMohamed, Over review for the class.

It been almost two month since we started this semester.

I like how you trying to make us professional students and how we should make everything perfect even when we submit the work you always want it in certin way other than that your not going to accpeted which is really make every one trying hard to do right. The only problem I have so far that first project I did my research and I did everything as you want but I got F which I see Its not fair because I told you since day one in the class that  I need your help.

Diandra Lewis Mid Semester Status

The semester has been slightly stressful so far . I noticed that I have a hard time staying on track with the workload. But I’ve made a to do list on google drive but I’m still falling behind by a week of class work . I’m trying to improve my time management . The lack of sleep also makes it hard .But with my Sleep Apnea ,I will push through .

Rolanda Boxhill – Mid-Semester Overview

I have been able to complete the assigned papers so far. The assigned topics for papers are where I have trouble with because they present difficulty to deliver content on. To arrange a paper about a journal article or a word or phrase, is stressful due to the thoughts of where to start or how to make the paper interesting enough that the reader won’t be bored. I would rather write papers on interesting topics that I can include real life examples to back up my reasoning for choosing this specific topic. Having to be objective is also a problem I have when writing papers because it is hard to not include my own opinion.

Jakiem Johnson- Mid Semester Status

So far this semester isn’t going to well but I feel that I can improve as the semester goes on. English writing class has been overlapping with other classwork causing me to make hard choices and planning ahead of time. Overall I find the class to be informative when we have our class discussions after the presentations.

Davon Henson – Mid Semester Status

The semester is half way over and throughout the time i’v spent in this class I felt like I learned a lot about technical writing. At first I wasn’t very interested because this seemed like another class that was meant to take up space on my schedule. However now, my opinion still hasn’t drastically changed. I’ve come to like the class a little and develop a better understanding of professional writing. The constant writing assignments that have us choose a topic of our choice makes me feel uncomfortable. To me, having to choose our own subject is a new found freedom which am not use to in a school environment. Sometimes I would spend hours thinking if my topic is interesting enough or can it cover all the points am trying to make. The postie side of taking this course is learning how much professional writing is viewed in the real world.

Melany Chavez-

The semester going alright, trying to work more into my second project , the search of the word content was able to find out just trying to get all connected to work on the paper is something still trying to continue to work and taking your advice or comments from the previous project. Also looking into different articles for my final presentation since most  connect with one another from the previous presentations.  The information you provide us us is really helpful.

Thank you

Thoughts- Farrah Tsang

In my opinion, I think I need help in writing a persuasive summary or essay. In other words, I need improvement in my writing that actually makes sense. The introduction is what I need guidance to, My thesis statement needs improvement so that it can overall fit in with the body paragraph of my writing. I think in order for my writing to be good, I need to practice grammar issues, and learn from an individual that can assist me for the better of future knowledge in writing.


I find myself being more engaged in the assignments and reading. I really enjoy being able to pick the type of topics to write about. Since it allows me to learn more about my major which is computer system information. But my main focus is the security aspect, i find that the expanded definition will help me understand more about why security is important. Aside from that i am enjoying the class but i am nervous about my presentation today.

James Asante – Overall Class Status

Hello Steve,

Hope things are well,

I would just like to say ever since class started I was able to retain new information based on class lessons that we’ve spoke about as a class. I’ve also feel more experienced with writing specific essays based on formats that we’ve reviewed within the class. The classwork and the homeworks have been effective and I have been able to complete them all.


