Hello stranger! I am very happy to see you at my site
This week at my internship I kept working on the website development. It reached 120 required hours for my class yet I will keep working at this place as I enjoy working here and my boss was happy having me there so far. Since there is mostly coding that I do now, I will be working remotely from home. I learned many new things as well as gained valuable experience in my field of interest. This is very important for me, since at my previous work places I often felt like I was wasting my time (doing technical support and customer service). It is now when looking back, I do realize that every kind of experience is definitely a plus and everything we do teaches us something weather we want it or not.
I want to conclude with the quote by Eleanor Roosevelt: “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Keep dreaming and believe in your dreams! They do come true, you just need to pay close attention.
Thank you.
I enjoyed all of your blogs.. you followed instructions and posted consistently with a good transition and flow, you put thought into this and it is noticed.
Nice work!