1 Week#7 Graphics & Images

I chose this picture because it is a great diagram to illustrate in the simplest way the formation of a roof truss. The truss is an important structural member to any type of roof. This diagram not only clearly illustrates the parts of the truss, but identifies the parts as well.  I will def use this in the roof chapter, and connect it with types of roofs.

Roof Truss. Digital image. Hiwassee. Hiwassee, n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2017.

This image is a fill in illustration of a simplified wood framed wall.  I chose this image for similar reasons to the prior image. It is clear and simplified making it easier for the reader to see and identify the parts that will be discussed in the “walls” chapter,

Ahp378. WallPanelDiagram. Digital image. Wikimedia. Wikipedia, 22 Sept. 2011. Web. 17 Mar. 2017.

The last image will be used in the “floor” chapter. I chose this image to help the reader visualize how many different types of flooring materials can be used in a single project. By narrowing down the material types to four i will be able to introduce them to different materials and give pros/cons for each without taking too much space in the book.

Type of Flooring. Digital image. Http://www.mymedwish.org. Home Design And Interior, n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2017.

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