
I would like to welcome you all to our Fall 2020 Technical Writing (ENG2575 OL70) class.

Since our class is completely online and we meet asynchronously, we will use OpenLab as our primary meeting place online for lectures, weekly writing assignments, and coordinating the major projects.

Each week, I will post video lectures that you should find time to watch and make notes from at some point during the week before the next week begins. I have detailed how this works on the schedule available at the bottom of the syllabus linked in the menu to the left.

In addition to deadlines for the major projects in the class, there are weekly writing assignments that help develop your reading and writing skills both in general and in ways specific to the major projects that we are doing.

Please keep in mind that an online class is a marathon and not a sprint. Like a normal class, the benefit that you get out of it comes through consistent effort applied across the semester. Cramming and short cuts deprive you of the long term benefits of the class. Hang in there and be tenacious. We will see the class through together.

Budgeting and scheduling your time is key to your success in this class. Making notes from lecture and paying attention to details relating to your projects will keep you focused on doing things right to the best of your ability.

Of course, there’s nothing normal about the present. I understand that both as your professor and as a fellow human being. I want you all to succeed in the class, so if something comes up that might get in the way of your success, please reach out to me by email (jellis at citytech.cuny.edu) or come to my weekly video office hours (I post a link on our OpenLab site each Wednesday before they begin) to discuss things with me. We can come up with a plan that can keep you on track or get you caught back up.

Be well, stay safe, and good luck!

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