“….and the grateful words and smiles which rewarded me for binding up a wound or giving a cooling drink was pleasure worth risking life for at any time.” Mary Seacole

In the words of Mary Seacole nursing gives a pleasure worth risking life for, this statement is true a testament  to nurses every where. Its the love for human kind, the gentle smile a caring touch that makes nurses love what they do every day.

Philosophy of Nursing

Nursing is a  stressful profession but it’s the most rewarding.  According to the American Nurse Association, nursing can be described as both an art and a science; a heart and a mind. At its heart, lies a fundamental respect for human dignity and an intuition for a patient’s need. This is supported by the mind, in the form of core rigorous learning.  Due to the vast range of specialisms and complex skills in the nursing profession, each nurse will have specific strengths, passion and expertise.

My philosophy of nursing,  is that nursing should always comes from the heart, love for human kind is the pulse of nursing. It’s easy to see the sick and the work load of nursing to be overwhelming. However, I’m always reminded of the passion I have for nursing, to care for the sick and injured with love and compassion and making a difference in someone’s life is worth doing everyday. In my experience  it is the simply things that makes a difference, a gentle smile, a caring touch, a  empathetic heart, a listening ear.

When ever I’m making rounds,  I’m mindful to greet my patients with a  big smile. I’m always smiling, to me a smile is gift to give away. It gives  me great pleasure to cheer up my patients , the greatest reward is when my patients says  they feel better already when I walk in the room.  That’s my greatest joy and reward, I am so proud to be a nurse.