Category Archives: Coursework
Design Journal entry #27
Process color: The most common method of achieving color in printing is referred to as CMYK, four–color process, 4/c process or even just process. To reproduce a color image, a file is separated into four different colors: Cyan (C), Magenta … Continue reading
Zoom effect
I snapped pictures with the 2×2 square and it simplified my designs. With the exception of one. One of them had its design amplified by the square, and have more activation to the negative and positive space.
Thumbnail Sketches and Their Value
Thumbnails like anything else has a purpose. In the art world that purpose closely resembles the purpose of an outline in the world of literature. Both are used as a guide or experimentation to manipulate your work to see which … Continue reading
Art Scam in NY®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=3&pgtype=sectionfront&_r=1 In the link above I read about Glafira Rosales (an Art Dealer from long island) , and her boyfriend Jose Carlos which helped in selling 60 fraudulent art pieces. The couple marketed the fraudulent art pieces by having them … Continue reading