Art Scam in NY

In the link above I read about Glafira Rosales (an Art Dealer from long island) , and her boyfriend Jose Carlos which helped in selling 60 fraudulent art pieces. The couple marketed the fraudulent art pieces by having them appear to be legitimate pieces from artist such as Robert Motherwell, Willem De Kooning, and Jackson Pollock. She sold paintings in Manhattan. One of the most notable places was Knoedler & Company who is now out of business. What I find amazing about this article is that Glafira Rosales and Jose Carlos had a Chinese immigrant forge all those paintings in his studio (inside a garage) in Queens. Ms. Glafira claims she was intimidated and abused by her boyfriend Jose Carlos. Afraid of losing her daughter, she went along with the scam and claims her boyfriend is the genius who came up with the scam. Glafira Rosales served three months in jail, and three years of supervised release along with a to be determined amount of restitution to be paid. While Jose Carlos was arrested in Spain in 2014 his extradition was haulted.

My opinion I don’t like or understand why she didn’t got to the police if those where the conditions in her situation, but I’m not her, she made her choices and here we are now. I thought it was funny how the artist who forged all those art pieces fled back to china and in his defense claims he had no clue that the couple were using his paintings in that manner. Also it amazes me that this scam went on for a span of 15 years that is too long and very scary. This makes me think twice before I buy a painting.

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