Author Archives: Ruth

Trip To Art Gallery

Even short people can rise above a delil

Even short people can rise above a deli

Going on a field trip on a beautiful day wasn’t as I had thought it would turned out.  I had a lot of fun with my classmates just hanging out and actually getting to know each other.  This specific picture of piece at the Art Gallery really stood out to me because i was actually able to feel bigger than something.  Even though it was fake, this model of a corner deli was by far the best part of the trip.  As a class we all had fun talking about it and taking pictures along side it as well.  I guess short people can also feel like giants. 🙂

The View From My Window


Looking out of my window where there is only basically a brick wall didn’t really seem much to work with but with thinking outside the box of what only was a brick wall really helped me to do this project.  I really couldn’t see much out my window so I took a stroll around my block and started taking down on what I was observing.  Basically all there was were bushes, bricks,  fences, tress, and the sky so to say.  This worked as a disadvantage because I wasn’t really able to picture an ambiguous picture for my project.  Inking these drawings had to be the worse because it was very difficult to make sure that it was perfect so it didn’t look sloppy. The best part had to be just sketching it because I didn’t have to be so worried about getting it completely perfect.