Author Archives: sinthiad

What color is beautiful teeth black or white?

In the world that we live in today, beautiful teeth is associated with pearly whites. The desired coloration of ones tooth is white, the whiter the teeth the more “beautiful” the smile. Amazingly enough there was a time and place where “black” teeth, yes black teeth, was desired and pearly whites  were frowned upon. This unique tradition was traced back to the Meiji Era in Japan. There are hundreds and thousands of different cultures around the world and every one of them have something unique to bring to the table, Japan and its uunusual dental aesthetics is among them.

Hello, my name is Sinthia :)

Hey everyone,

My name is Sinthia Dewan. I actually wasn’t too familiar with the field of restorative dentistry  until recently. I always wanted a career in the healthcare field but I just wasn’t sure which field.  I went to see a counselor and she suggested that I look into  restorative dentistry. I did my research and it caught my interest, I was really interested because it requires you to “get your hands dirty”, it isn’t all books and no fun.  Looking forward to the next two years.