Recap of Library session

Greeting All,

Thank you everyone for participating in today’s library session. I hope you found it effective and will ensure your research endeavors easily achieved. Wanted to remind you that you will be spending this week reading the first chapter of Esthetic dentistry in clinical practice that we spoke about today in class, you’ll find it in the reference section. After doing so you will begin browsing the different data bases and begin to formulate an idea and a topic that captures your interest. You MUST email me at ( ; your topic of choice prior to our next meeting, no later that 9/19/11. Make sure to include your name and section number in the title.

Also, I have added a new resource tab with a link to the library wiki page designed for Restorative Dentistry. Check it out you’ll find a lot of interesting information that would help you with your research.


Prof. Alter

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