Dental Aesthetics across cultures

Over the years research has shown many evidence of the esthetics in dentistry tracing back as far as 700 B.C. by the Etruscan. From tooth sharpen in Africa to placing gemstone on to their teeth in ancient Latin America. We can all agree that over the past centuries esthetics have changed all over the globe dramatically. From once making dentures from ivory, animal bone, human teeth taken from the dead and alive. And as early as 200 A.D. bridges and crowns were made of gold to help improve the appearance of people who had lost teeth. Over in Egypt there is record of people actually having sea shells hammered in to their gums to replace missing teeth.  There has been many recent studies that have shows and stress how culturally important dental esthetic may have been and is to culture. This would prove that the definition of beauty and aesthetics is culturally different.

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