Romando Edwards

Topic in Graphic Design, Spring 2017

April 2, 2017

Professor Marianna Trofimova


NY Daily News

             Being at NY daily News was a learning experience even though the office part of the tour itself was a bit short, the walking revealed many attention-grabbing framed newspaper. More of the learning came from the discussion in the conference room. During the walking portion of the tour, I became familiar with Pulitzer prizes; the title/honor great journalist receives. As for the conference part of the trip some really good questions were asked, one of the most interesting AHA things said was “push yourself out of fear” which to me means to utilize the unknown to motivate the possibilities. It makes me more aware that myself and many designers fall in a state were fear limits the design potential of our projects.

 As for new terminology I am sure many can agree to this that going in to that meeting, many of us were not familiar with UX and UI. UI (user interface) was easier to figure out since user interface is commonly known but as for UX (user experience) which is in a sense the blueprints for design. This part of the process is where everything ranging from who, what and where comes into play. UX and UI are changeable based off personal preference.

The trip to NY Daily News was an interesting one to take in; the tour and conference room questions thought me some interesting things. The design world can take you in as you are and teach you some new things as well. The method in which designers present their work(s) have changed, the standard way of walking around with a hard copy is not widely accepted anymore; but having them on an Ipad will appeal to the interviewer a bit more. Also in this field be open to new knowledge since learning new programs are often times required in certain positions, so do not be afraid if you only have basic knowledge of the software because learning the program on the job is not frown upon.

Nothing (place or position) should be off your list when it comes to possible working. With that said I would not limit my opportunities not adding NY daily News as a possible destination for some years in my future. As for position since Graphic design is what I have been putting my times towards I would like to maintain that title through my career. I am also aware that having the same title from college is not always the case; Michael from the interview is a prime example of someone who joined the workplace and discovered something new that they enjoyed which leadings to new studies and a new direction. So as for position I would be open minded about it since discovering something that can change my direction is a possibility.

There were things design and beyond that I found interesting during the tour. The working environment of the NY Daily News is all located on one floor and atmosphere was not as wild for a place that relies on a subject that constantly changes even though I am sure they have days in which it is chaotic. Such calmness could also be a product of how they separate the office space; the business portion which includes sales, accounts, digital and product team is on the left side of the building, while the editorial side is designated to the newspaper work and that team often stays later in order to update the news which makes sense of how they handle the constant change. All in all this trip gave an inside view of how to handle your portfolio, networking and the dreaded stepping out of your comfort zone through people who had to go through all this themselves, so I appreciate the time Paul, Karina, Robert, Michael and Jeffery spent educating us on the business.