
Romando Edwards

Topic in Graphic Design, Spring 2017

March 2, 2017

Professor Marianna Trofimova




On 02/28/12 in class we watched two videos the first was a Disney Pixar produced short film called “Piper” and the second was a video off TEDtalks titled “Design and Discovery”. Piper showed the story of a courageousness of a baby seagull’s journey outside the nest. The mother of Piper wanted for Piper to leave the nest and join her finding food on the beach amongst others; due to this fact, piper got hit by a wave that spooked her. This did not defeat Piper as she had to face her fear and take on the beach again since her mother would not be bringing food to her anymore. On the second trip Piper discovered she can see underwater which allowed her to clearly see the clams, which is the reason she was there in the first place. This goes to show that when you clearly see what you want the goal becomes easier to achieve.

The next video was a TEDtalk session of David Carson, a former surfer turned graphic designer and art director. This covers some of his works over the years and his view towards the graphic design world. He made a point saying that with graphic design, the design as gotten simpler over the years but it is slowly picking its complexity back up to an extent. There were three memorable things: 1) “Stop thinking about it, it will come to you”; I agree with this for the sole fact that I do find that most times when I’m stumped for ideas and walk away, do something else for a bit or even lay down the ideas flow in. 2) “If money wasn’t an issue would we still be doing this”; I get what he is saying and I do agree but I also feel that some people feel better expressing themselves visually (through art) and others do appreciate getting information visually so it leaves the possibility that some would still do it for the passion. And 3) “Create works based on your personal experiences”; this goes without saying but people are likely to do better when they are comfortable, and people are comfortable when they talk about something they really know about. Plus this allows your work(s) to be a bit more personal and share your story to the public in a subtle way.           Â