Assignment 1&2-What Kind of Graphic Designer Are You? Part 1

Romando Edwards

Topic in Graphic Design, Spring 2017

February 19, 2017

Professor Marianna Trofimova


What Kind of Graphic Designer Are You?


Graphic design is define as the process of visual communication and problem-solving using one or more method of typography, photography and illustration. By that definition, graphic designers are in charge of creating concepts through brainstorming sessions in which they identify and understand the audience; in addition, the process is continued through the usage of computer software or by hand to execute those ideas to encourage, inform, and attract consumers. Also they develop the overall layout and production design for various applications such as advertisements, brochures, magazines, and annual reports. With understanding of these two definitions it becomes apparent that the creative mind is meant to educate and influence through design and innovation.

Often I wonder as to where I fall in the Graphic design community as well as how far I will make it and the influence I will have. This way of thinking also makes me wonder what type of graphic designer I see myself as; furthermore do I identify more with a specialist or a generalist. Before I actually place myself into a category I will share my thoughts on both types. A specialist is a person highly skilled in a specific area of the industry; moreover, I feel like this path is the safest since you constantly deal with the same work(s) so it becomes easier to build identification on a particular area in which your clients or potential clients will come to you when they are looking. As for generalist who is a person competent in several different areas of the same industry; therefore this allows the designer to take on many different projects and show his/her capability to express their design in more work(s).

As I break down the two paths in which a graphic designer could be defined, I find myself leaning towards being described as a generalist. Given that most design colleges use a generalist approach to their teaching process; this could also be the reason as to why most designers will feel comfortable taking on more projects since we have been programed to do so based on the learning system. I often find myself getting bored of long projects so it is hard to envision being dedicated to just one type of design for an extensive period of my life. The reason why I identify with being a generalist is that it allows me to be open to different art styles, influences and be able to reuse certain design aspect from past projects into new ones. It gives more of an opportunity to expand the creative mind.

Through the years I have been in this field there has been countless times in which I questioned if this is the right path for me. Even for a while I felt as if it has been baseline motivation—the fact that I started and I have made it this far already—that kept me going. In this field the learning never really stops programs and software update constantly as well as the content that people can relate to (trending topics). Due to such facts, I have been slowly developing beyond the mindset of baseline motivation, because of the constant improvement and interesting pieces the art community provides.

Furthermore in the communication design field the best place I see myself in the long run would be Freelancing, since it allows me the freedom to build my identification. Also this path allows me the ability to take on many different projects in a schedule that I am comfortable with, as a result low risk of overworking myself along with expending the creative mind through variety of projects. For graphic designers Freelancing opens the way to discover your particular style and even give access to working with agencies if your design is recognized. Since graphic designers are in charge of knowing the audience in order to develop a good concept, being a freelancer give you direct interaction to the client and there is no better way to learn about a person than direct communication; plus following the freelancing path motivates a person to take care of themselves, as a great immune system is needed.