
Sample College Computer Engineering Technology and Electromechanical Engineering Technology Department handout courtesy of Technology Learning Center when it was situated in V217 back before the year 2015
Another sample measuring page activity exercise for planning and working on sheet metal before cutting to specifications/dimensions required for EMT 1130 course
A hands-on sample Soldering exercise from the EMT 1130 Lab Manual
Another EMT 1130 handout conserved by the Tech Learning Ctr for the Tools Skills Lab
This picture shows standard magnet enamel wire, zip and stranded wiring samples for working on in first weeks of the EMT 1130 college semester
Old wiring diagram in simple sketch (to be updated)
Overall Lab Manual page 36 potential addendum-type drawing for final product of EMT 1130 digital trainer box that students must complete and have passing testing
Sample whiteboard diagram drawing of connections in color code for assisted wiring proper orientation guiding and selection of proper tools and components
Some clarification for sheet metal planning and working