lab 2


Write a program that asks the user to enter two integer numbers x and y. The program should perform the following operations and display the results back:

1-      The sum x + y

2-      The difference x – y

3-      The product x * y

4-      The quotient x/y

5-      The remainder x%y

6-      Whether x is less than, equal, or greater than y


After displaying the results, the program should ask again for two integer numbers and repeat the operations for the new values entered. If either the value of x or y entered by the user is 0 (zero), the program should finish.


On your OpenLab portfolio post the following items, following the Lab Report Example:

  • Lab description and your experience in your own words.
  • Copy/paste of the code you typed, properly formatted.
  • Screenshots of your results.

x= input ('Enter the value of x')
y= input('enter the value of y:')
print 'Enter 1 to sum x and y'
print 'Enter 2 to subtract x from y'
z = ('Enter selection: ')

if z==1
results = x+y
print 'The sum of x and y is:', x+y

lab 1


Install Python

  • Go to, click on the Download tab, and select the appropriate version based on your operating system.
  • After download, install python on your computer.
  • Get familiar with python by reading the documentation on the site (The tutorial is an good starting point
  • Complete Exercise 2 and Exercise 3 from chapter 2 of the python book.
  • After completing Exercises 2 and 3, post into your OpenLab portfolio the following items:
    • Lab description and your experience doing it in your own words.
    • Screenshots of the code you typed.
    • Screenshots of the results you got.

Raymond Barimah
Lab 2 variables
section 9304

import math
radiusstring = input (“Enter the radius”)
radiusfloat = float (radiusstring)
area = math * pi * radiusfloat * radiusfloat
print (“The area of a circle with the radius is”) area
Enter the radius of the circle: 4
area = 50.24

Enter the radius of the circle:3
area= 28.26
Enter the radius of the circle:6
area= 113.04
Enter the radius of the circle:10
area= 62.83

input (” input two set of points (4, 3) and (10, 6) “)
D = squrt (x2-x1)**2 + (y2-y1)**2
print “The distance of the points (4,3) and (10,6) is 6.708