What’s it like

POV’s office is located in a building that could easily be converted into a series of huge gallery spaces. Aside from the conference rooms located on the periphery of the floor plan, the space is open with a few walls placed to give just enough privacy for each department to be separated from each other and the kitchen. So even though there are days when people are zipping around, it’s not too distracting.

The culture at POV is what I would call business casual. I personally wear a dress shirt and a hoodie most days as it’s been pretty cold. The other guys in the office also adhere to the dress shirt rule. However, we all wear jeans into the office.

The atmosphere can range from very busy where no one speaks to anyone to light hearted and jovial. Everyone who I have ever had any interaction with have been really nice and they hold a bagel brunch thing every other thursday that each department is responsible for on a rotating basis. So far so good.

POV My Group AreaThis is where my department works.

I sit at the edge of the group near the kitchen. I don’t really love this seat for several reasons. The firstĀ being because I find myself making awkward eye contact with people when they make their food (someone microwaved fish last week and I had to take my break). And secondly, my work-station has an excellent view facing directly into the fading sun so as the day progresses I adjust my screen to block the sun.Ā Overall though, it’s pretty sweet.

POV My DeskMoleskine? Check. Sunglasses? Check. Coffee? Check. Good to go.

Everyone is really nice and everyone seems to really get along with each other. I know that my manager has been at POV for over 5 years and her director has been there for over 14 years I believe. It’s a great place to work for and I could see why people stay.


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