Putting theory into practice.

One of my main goals during my internship with POV is to revamp the package of printed materials that accompany each film so that they reflect an updated look. I have a solid foundation in Indesign but I had never really done this kind of work before. In the past I have created the artwork and copy. This time I would have to work with what they provided.

Some of the documents are very wordy so I had to find a way to incorporate that information in a way that was pleasing to the eye. As opposed to a block of text that your eyes refuse to read.

Another stipulation was that my work had to be printer friendly. This meant that I couldn’t extend the movie poster to fit the page. I also couldn’t make the background any color other than white.

What I learned through this process.

Each of the documents that I had been working on would need to be updated at some point in the future. Considering this, I wanted to make sure that I left behind a template that they could easily update in the future. This would ensure that each document had a consistant looking moving forward. I  also wanted them to be able to update the document completely if they needed to in the future.

I knew that there were ways to set up master pages in InDesign that would work for this purpose so I researched how to make Master pages and used them to complete my assignment much more quickly than creating each document for all 14 films manually.

First, I created a proof that I submitted to my manager for approval. Once approved I created a master page from that proof and then I created the rest of the pages I needed for each film by updating the text and movie stills as needed. My supervisors really liked this idea.

They also kept running into an issue where they could not access older media when opening older InDesign documents. I introduced the idea of packaging their documents into a consistent place so that they can ensure that they always have access to the media needed for that document in one place.

I spent at least 20 minutes every day going to print layout design websites to look for inspiration for new layout concepts. My internship really let me be as creative as possible in order to get the job done (within limits). And I think that I was able to use the graphic design skills that I have learned at City Tech to create a positive impact at POV.



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