Before I go into the extremely fascinating details of what I do, I wanted to let you know how I got here.
I obtained this internship via the Brooklyn Tech Triangle Internship Program or BTTIP.
I remember hearing about the program around school, and I knew that as a senior I should really start looking into interning somewhere that is aligned with that I am going to school for. So when I saw a poster for the Spring 2015 semester I reached out and started the application process for the internship.
This process consisted of several steps.
- The first step was creating an online portfolio and completing an application where I was asked standard interview questions relating to my past work experience and why I would be a good candidate for the program in general. We were also asked to select up to six potential sites where we wanted to work and the roles we would be applying for.
- Phase two, the phone interview with Juan Carlos (INFO NEEDED). He is the (TITLE/ROLE) for the program and all communications end and begin through him.
- Phase three. You wait. A few days later I received an email letting me know that I had been selected to move forward with the speed interview session with potential employers.
- Phase three the pre-interview “cohort meeting”. Which was essentially cramming us all in a class and letting us know what to expect in terms of the procedure for the interviews (think speed dating) and how we will be notified if/when we are matched with a compatible site (from the list of companies that we picked in phase one). BTTIP tries to match each student with a company that has stated that they would like to work with them which is why the wait time for this phase takes about a week.
- Once you have received the formal notification email letting you know that you have successfully made it through the process and where you will be working you need to attend a work-readiness seminar (BTTIP hosted this event at the Brooklyn Navy Yard) where they cover what to expect from your employers, what is acceptable workplace behavior, details about payroll and some exercises in common workplace issue management. After that, you start your internship!