Day Five

Day five and six were days I blended in as b roll footage day. For a good 4 – 6 hours I was spending my time going back into the areas I went and shot b roll of the environment and other points of interest along the way that was fitting for grit and aggression. The lighting outside was a pain because of how it would bounce back and forth between sunny and cloudy. Every time this occurred I needed to keep adjusting my Nikon’s Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO to get as balanced as I can with lighting each shot was taken. Movement, focus changes, static shots, panning, and tilting were all being used to capture what I felt fit the video the most.

Later on, I was shooting static shots with my tripod in my apartment to develop a sub plot into the song. The sub plot was meant to be how I can’t really understand or get with how other rappers are involving style, look, and flow. However it can also be interpreted as the making of the song and the process of the writing.


In total, about 110 b roll footage was shot.