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Milord, Melissa. “Half Price Movies”. Photograph. 22 May 2014. JPG file.

Milord, Melissa. “How to get your gym sticker: easy instructions”. Photograph. 22 May 2014. JPG file.

Melissa, Milord. ” Picture 1″. Photograph. 22 May 2014.

Melissa, Milord. “Picture 2”. Photograph. 22 May 2014.

Melissa, Milord. “Picture 3”. Photograph. 22 May 2014.

Melissa, Milord. “Picture 4”. Photograph. 22 May 2014.

Melissa, Milord. “Picture 5”. Photograph. 22 May 2014.

Melissa, Milord. “Picture 6”. Photograph. 22 May 2014.

Melissa, Milord. “Picture 7”. Photograph. 22 May 2014.

Melissa, Milord. “Picture 8”. Photograph. 22 May 2014.

Melissa, Milord. “Picture 9”. Photograph. 22 May 2014.

Melissa ,Milord. “Picture 10”. Photograph. 22 May 2014.

Melissa, Milord. “Picture 11”. Photograph. 22 May 2014.

Melissa ,Milord. “Picture 12”. Photograph. 22 May 2014.

Melissa, Milord. “Picture 13”. Photograph. 22 May 2014.

Melissa, Milord. “Picture 14”. Photograph. 22 May 2014.

Melissa, Milord. “Picture 15”. Photograph. 22 May 2014.

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Sanchez, Stephanie. “Athletics and Recreations”. Personal Interview. 22 May 2014.

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