

Welcome to What’s Happening in City Tech

Research of the City Tech website showed there is no one place where events information may be accessed. The City Tech website has an News and Events page that shares news of  current events such as awards ceremonies, panel discussions or forums. The page also has an events section that provides links to gym schedules and welcoming YouTube video. Included on the page are links to certain school organizations and departments such as Student Wellness Center, the Counseling Workshops, Library Workshops, Placement Office Workshops, and Foundation News and Events.This page does not include any departmental office access. Nor does is provide a concise listing of school events. Upon viewing other school websites such as Brooklyn College, York College, and City College, showed that City Tech methods of informing students and faculty about events and activities could greatly be improved.

Our site proposes to provide a one stop center where both students and faculty staff can stay connected to the pulse of City Tech activities. There have been many instances when great events where poorly attended due to the simple fact that the word did not travel far enough. This site can help to reduce these occurrences.

What’s Happening in City Tech  will keep the clubs member’s informed of all the club activities, including when they meet, where they meet,  and upcoming events through open communication, emails. In addition they will be able to post club news, schedules, photos, bulletins and more. Our research showed that  currently they must resort to futile attempts to reach their members on the phone.  As for advertising to the student population, clubs must first seek approval for events at the office of Student Life and Development. Once approved, they may post flyers around campus, hoping to catch the attention of passersby. This site would provide the convenience of posting flyers on the page for all to see. This creates a more reliable method of disseminating the information.

The site can also provide club members’ only access area so that they can communicate with each other more effectively and  efficiently. In addition, the general school population will be able to be kept abreast of all club fundraisers, events, and activities.

Included would be a blog page where uses could share their thoughts, photos,  and feedback on past events. Suggestions for future events, activities and fundraising idea can also be shared.

Academic departments would also benefit greatly from What’s Happening in City Tech. There are many department sponsored events that go unattended because the word did not get around fast enough. Both faculty and students are often too preoccupied when moving through campus to really take notice of posted flyers.

In conclusion, our site provides better access to videos, club activities, departmental events, pictures, as well as in-depth  information about all the active clubs, and organizations happening in City Tech. Each semester, students and faculty members will have fresh access to on going information on this campus.


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