For Wednesday, 2 November


  • Matthew Desmond and Mustafa Emirbayer (2020), Ch. 6 (‘Crime and Punishment’): ‘The Rise of the American Prison’; ‘Fear’. keywords: neoliberalism; prison-industrial complex (see the citation of Eric Schlosser’s essay of the same name, p. 191, n. 11); racial terrorism (2020:187).

In Class

  • Attendance
  • Q&A
  • Reading Notes for Next Time

For Next Time

  • Matthew Desmond and Mustafa Emirbayer (2020), Ch. 6 (‘Crime and Punishment’): ‘Crime’; ‘Punishment’; ‘Things Are Not What They Seem’. keywords: code of the street, the (pp. 210-11); ecological dissimilarity (p. 210); informal social control (p. 210); recidivism; structural disadvantage (p. 210); symbolic violence (p. 208); underground economy (p. 203); white-collar crime (p. 205).

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