For Wednesday, 26 October


We didn’t really dig into the first half of Ch. 5. So no new reading for tomorrow.

  • Matthew Desmond and Mustafa Emirbayer (2020), Ch. 5 (‘Housing’): ‘Racial Struggles over Residence in Twentieth-Century America’; Racial Segregation’
Please come to class prepared to discuss these questions and others:
    1. Why do Desmond and Emirbayer claim that ‘African Americans are the only group in the history of the United States that have experienced ghettoization’ (Desmond and Emirbayer 2016:189)? What defines a ghetto, for them?
    2. ‘”All society is implicated in the creation of the ghetto.” Reflecting on your upbringing, how might this statement apply to you? That is, how might you be contributing to the racial segregation and the reproduction of the ghetto?’ (from Desmond and Emirbayer 2016:201).

In Class

  • Attendance
  • ASA Style
  • Q&A
  • Reading Notes for Next Time

For Next Time

  • Matthew Desmond and Mustafa Emirbayer (2020), Ch. 5 (‘Housing’): ‘The City’; ‘The Suburbs’; ‘Rural America’; ‘Towards an Integrated America’

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