Can you imagine in how many ways she contemplates of attaining this fruit? Can you imagine she being alone in her world? it would take time till she be capable of getting it herself. Again, with time a passing wind strong enough can bring bliss to her tendency to wait; but eventually, the time will surely come, when she will be strategic herself, to get this fruit.
No one plant a seed and expect fruits the next day. No baby is born today, and walks the next. Everything takes a process which comes with planing, and consolidating the developmental process, while compensation for mishaps, until the accomplishment; which require time. Are you suffering from anxiety? than you are liable to fail.
many times one embark on something meaningful, fully motivate at the beginning, working relentlessly, not even allowing time for recreation. Day after day working consistently, enthusiastic in the objective, with an eagerness to see the accomplishment, and all of a sudden, you get discouraged, and give up because of frustration of things not going the way you expect; well, that is an example of someone who don’t bear the traits of the written words of the slogan.