Look for an example of typography that you find interesting. This could be an ad in a magazine, billboard, etc. or a flyer, business card, any print/signage that has Typography interestingly created, placed or designed with.
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ePortfolio Clinical Evaluation Narrative
Instruction. Students are to write a self-reflection piece on how they fulfilled each one of their nine (9) clinical objectives as per the provided Clinical Evaluation Tool. The self-reflection piece will include a […]
Complete Dentures I Master Casts
Maxillary and Madibular Casts, poured with landing and working areas outlined.
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Occlusal rims are to set up the teeth on them. To make an occlusal you have to heat up the record base wax until its soft enough to roll up or fold up. Once thatās done you have to place it on top the record base a […]
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the occlusal rims were made with baseplate wax. The occlusal rims purpose is to create the space where the natural teeth once was. First make the record bases, My maxillary record base was made out of shellac […]
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Occlusal Rims Maxillary and Mandibular models
The occlusal rims we made in Professor Cuyas class was made with baseplate wax. The occlusal rims purpose is to create the space where the natural teeth once was. First make the record bases, My maxillary record […]
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Hello my name is Milana Faylayev and i am 23 years Old , I have been in college for 6 years now, and if your wondering why i been in school for so long and dont have a career yet, well the answer to your question […]
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