Projects on the OpenLab

1 to 4 (of 4)

35th Semi-AnĀ­nual Dr. Janet Liou-Mark HonĀ­ors and UnĀ­derĀ­gradĀ­uĀ­ate ReĀ­search ScholĀ­ars Poster PreĀ­senĀ­taĀ­tion

Reneta D. Lansiquot-Panagiotakis

Feel free to view the work of students.

34th Semi-AnĀ­nual Dr. Janet Liou-Mark HonĀ­ors and UnĀ­derĀ­gradĀ­uĀ­ate ReĀ­search ScholĀ­ars Poster PreĀ­senĀ­taĀ­tion

Reneta D. Lansiquot-Panagiotakis

Feel free to view the work of students.

33rd Semi-AnĀ­nual Dr. Janet Liou-Mark HonĀ­ors and UnĀ­derĀ­gradĀ­uĀ­ate ReĀ­search ScholĀ­ars Poster PreĀ­senĀ­taĀ­tion

Reneta D. Lansiquot-Panagiotakis

Feel free to view the work of students.

32nd Semi-AnĀ­nual HonĀ­ors and UnĀ­derĀ­gradĀ­uĀ­ate ReĀ­search Poster PreĀ­senĀ­taĀ­tion

Reneta D. Lansiquot-Panagiotakis

Feel free to view the work of students.