Professor Scanlan's OpenLab Course Site

Midterm essay First Draft

Alicia Bajana

English 2400

October 20, 2020

“It Had to Be Murder” vs Rear Window


“It Had to Be Murder” by Cornell Woolrich (1942) is a suspenseful and mysterious story about a man named Hal Jeffries, a temporarily disabled man, who spies on his neighbors as his past time but becomes involved in a murder investigation. Rear Window is the film adaptation of “It Had to Be Murder”. “It had to be Murder” by Cornell Woolrich (1942) vs. Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window (1954) is a Traditional Translation between the text and the film. Both works have similarities and differences that change the readers’ perspective and gives a new feel and appreciation to the short story.

One similarity is the murder of Mrs. Thorwald. This is the main plot of the story which puts intensity in the text and the film.  One difference is the accomplices of Jeffries in the investigation. In the text, he is portrayed as a single mid-age man with no family and comes around to take care of Jeffries. Unlike the film, they portray 2 accomplices which are Lisa and Stella. Lisa is the love interest of Jeffries which develops into a relationship towards the course of the investigation. Stella is the other accomplice but also has a close bond with Jeffries as a mother figure due to her age and her ways of taking care of Jeffries like a son. This similarity is important between the text and film because it is the core of the story. In the text, the reader is able to feel the build-up of the suspense when Jeffries sends Mr. Thorwald the letter and Jeffries is able to see how his reaction proved his hypothesis about Mrs. Thorwald’s death. In the film, the viewer is able to see and feel the suspense building up through camera angles, the diegetic sounds of the surroundings, and the focal point of Mr. Thorwald’s face when reading the letter.

The second similarity is the temporary disability of Jeffries that brought him to spy on his neighbors and later on be a key point in the discovery of Mrs. Thorwald’s body. The second difference is the neighborhood layout. This similarity is extremely important to the reader and view because it is the reason as to how the whole story happens. It’s due to his inability to walk that tracked him into spying on his neighbors and discovering the horrifying truth about a killing. The difference important because for the reader it’s an imagery effect when the reader is imagining how everything looks as if they were Jeffries. In the text, the layout is described differently with more distance between each building and super spacious but, in the film, Jeffries can see straight into Thorwald’s entire apartment. All the apartment buildings are facing each other like a box with a multitude of people leaving in each apartment. The view not only sees the layout but is able to compare it to the real lifestyle of a New Yorker.

The third similarity is Jeffries’s friend detective, Boyne, who helps Jeffries in the whole investigation. The third difference is the profession of Jeffries. In the text, he never mentioned his work or who he worked for but in the film, he shows and expresses his profession as a Photographer. This similarity was crucial in the text and film because it put all the pieces of the puzzle together and gave the plot meaning. Therefore, the differences were just as crucial to the film by giving a new feel to the scene. This new feeling of terror from Jeffries to the quick thinking raised the bar on the ending scenes. Jeffries not only used his photography tools to spy on Thorwald and also gather evidence but also used them to save his life at the ending scene when Thorwald came after him to kill him. This scene was suspenseful and terrifying due to the use of darkness, silence, focal points on Thorwald’s eyes, and camera angles when Jeffries dropped from his window.

In conclusion, while the film is traditional and follows the short story faithfully; there are important differences and liberties that the film takes that is not part of the short story, which includes; changes in characters, added characters, and gender changes, and changes in lifestyles. These differences stand out in the film and change the short story in different ways. The text and film have taught me how important it is for the producer to stay true to the text because the minimal adjustment can change the whole feeling and narrative of the story. Lastly, the lesson I learned from the text/film is to be aware of my surroundings because the enemy can be closer than you think and we don’t know who can be watching.

1 Comment

  1. Professor Sean Scanlan

    Thanks for sharing your draft. It is a strong beginning. The key arguments are clearly outlined. As you refine and revise the essay, pay attention to:
    -Unfold Cahir’s definition in more detail, help readers visualize the precise reasons the film is the type of translation that you claim.
    -Add direct quotes to support you ideas; this will help move past listing and summarizing.
    -The paragraphs contain a pair: one similarity and one difference. What is the reason for such an organization? I think it leads to listing rather than analysis. I would re-organize the paper according to key concept such as sound or perhaps the replacement of Sam with Stella and Lisa.
    -After rethinking organization, you should rewrite the thesis to make is stronger with a bolder claim involving scenes, characters, and concepts.
    -Go beyond listing the differences—answer the question: what do these difference mean in terms of viewer understanding of the main themes?
    Prof. Scanlan

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