After reading and watching the film version of Woolrich’s story the two major differences I noticed so far was how detailed Jefferies’ love life is in the film than the written version and the caregiver is a woman. The written story doesn’t mention anything about his love life. We enter the story knowing nothing about Jefferie let alone his love life. The story jumps straight into him being a peeping Tom and describing each home and neighbor in great detail. The film version starts off with him sitting near his window and scanning the outside neighbors, giving us a preview of each house then goes into depth about his career and love life between him and caretaker then later on his supposed girlfriend. Which brings me to another difference I noticed the fact that the caregiver seems to be old lady in the film because she comes over daily to get him dressed and massages but in the story the caretaker is a man. Also in the film we know Jefferie is a photography and in the story we had no clue what his career was. The film version is without a doubt more detailed than the written but since we didn’t get too deep into the film its hard to distinguish the differences but I have a feeling the old lady might not be has loyal as Sam was in the story and also feel like the film is a mixture of a love/mystery only because of how much detail we know about the main characters love life and I think once we become more further along in the film we will learn more about their relationship plus the murder mystery. I’m enjoying the film version because of how much more details is being shared which makes it more interesting to follow along.