My apartment building comes to a curve in the middle so when you are in my living room looking out the window you are able to see all the apartments, we are in the middle of all the apartments. Most of the time you are able to see, hear, and smell when our neighbour is outside the window smoking her cigarette, since our apartments are pretty close. Her and her son usually hang on the balcony every Saturday in the morning. They usually have a cup of coffee or eating breakfast. Sometimes we will join them because our balcony is right next to theirs. Our other neighbor on our floor, you can always tell when he gets home because the first thing he does is blast his rock music, most of the time he plays along with it because he now has a guitar. We have a lot of children in our apartment, so on nice days a lot of them will go to the front and play either football, baseball, or kickball. Others will run around or draw pictures on the sidewalk with chalk. Another view from our apartment are all the dogs that live here. We have a lot of dogs in our apartment building, us being included, you can always see or hear when the dogs are out because it sets off our dogs. Not a lot of things happen in our apartment building, we all know each other and help each other out. This story just made me think about how many other women left their town due to their health during that time, or even years prior to this story being released. A lot of women’s health was not acknowledged during this or any other time. The question I still have about “It Had to Be Murder” by Cornell Woolrich, is what happened to the wife after everyone found out that she left town due to her health.