This summer was pretty uneventful. I had plans to go to Spain, Barcelona to be exact in April then Jamaica in July for my birthday. I unfortunately was unable to do both due to Covid-19. I spent my summer bonding with old friends and making new friends. I must say this pandemic has brought me closer to my friends because it forced us to make due with what we had and make the best of these strange times. Although I didn’t get to travel as much as I would have liked this year I’m happy that I have my health and that my family is safe. Next summer I plan on re-doing my travel plans to Spain and Jamaica. I am definitely looking forward to this trip to Spain, more so for the food and the culture . I have a feeling summer 2021 will be better. Fingers Crossed!


Between “The Tell Tale Heart” and “The Yellow Wallpaper” I must say I enjoyed reading “The Tell Tale heart” more. Both short stories are very complexed in their own way but I found I had to re-read “The Yellow Wallpaper” more than once to grasp a clear understanding.  I will be honest, I am kinda biased because Edgar Allen Poe is one of my favorite writers. His dark and dry humor and his way of using cliffhangers in his stories have always kept me interested. Most of Edgars stories tend to be dark and eerie but they always have a lesson to it in the end which I enjoy the most about his work. “The Yellow Wallpaper” was hard to understand at first,I believe because the way the narrator spoke and the choice of words. The story had a deeper meaning and message behind it that I liked but trying to get to the bottom of it took a lot of analyzing and decoding and I wasn’t a fan of that. Overall both are good reads but I would recommend an Edgar Allen Poe story any day.