Angela Vargas
English 2001 Final Essay
Every Action Has A Consequence

Would you rather have a person lied to you or be completely honest with their life decisions or action? The story “Say Hello Wave Goodbye” By Tony Parson analyzed exactly the topic of the question. The story is based on immigrant officers in the airport and what it’s like in a day with them. The story shows many parts of their jobs such as the questioning and the importance of them paying close attention to the answers and the passports. The main character Jaswinder Smith ethic overview the person lies or honesty with her. The ethic that connects to Jazz ethic would be the Virtue ethics and Utilitarian ethics. Virtue Ethic focused on the three main stands of a person which are Human flourishing, performing one’s function and the ethic if caring. This virtue is more to the emotions that a human goes through on their live. Utilitarian ethics is making a decision with the morality good side will make the outcomes good. If people use their morals to take an action the universe will return the favor with good and not bad outcomes.
The main character Jaswinder is one of the immigration officer in one of the airports of London in the story. Jazz is known throughout the story to investigate every single passenger that she gets she has no favorites in the story and is very professional when it comes to her job. The first passenger Jazz took was a Korean lady who was wearing a wedding dress and stated that she was marrying Princes Harrys. As unreal it sounds the Korean lady actually had all the required paperwork to enter the country and answer all the questions correct. Jazz job was to choose between letting her enter the UK or denying her access to the UK but Jazz allowed her in the country. For Jazz the truth counts more than being lied to and in this situation she was being told the truth. The next immigration officer in the story “Say Hello, Wave Goodbye.” By Tony Parson, Published in London in 2011 indicates that other women has tried before entering the country to marry Prince Charles “I remember when it was Prince Charles they all comes over to marry.” (44). This statement is interesting and truthful since the Korean lady with the bride dress isn’t probably lying about wanting to and marry Prince Harry since there has been past history of other women going to the UK to marry Prince Charles.
In the story other characters were denied the enters in the UK because their information didn’t match and they were lying to Jazz. One of the characters was the American girl; she was about 18 years old and had a sweet personality. When the girl when up to Jazz window she didn’t answer the question with honesty. One of the questions that Jazz asked the girl was what brought her to the UK? Right away the girl answer she wants to go and see the wax museum. That answer is common for people who wants to enter the UK to stay there also when Jazz asked if the American girl had a return ticket and she answer no. Jaswinder had to make a decision whether to let the American girl inside the UK or not. She decided not to let her into the UK which made the American girl very upset. The American Girl in the story “Say Hello, Wave Goodbye.” By Tony Parson, Published in London in 2011 question Jazz on why letting the Korean lady in and not her so Jazz answer “Because I don’t care if someone lies to themselves, said Jazz But I don’t like it much when they lie to me.” The quote explains a lot Jaswinder ethics and how much she respect those who don’t lie to her. Even though is part of Jazz job top question and go through steps with every passenger she does take seriously the passenger answers and how truthful they are.
Actions required consequences if a person does good, then good will come back as well if they do bad. Jazz ethics can be connected to Utilitarian ethics since she believed in people being honest even though her job is strictly control she understand those who enter the country. In the third ethics in the Short Introduction to Five Type of Ethics by Professor. Scanlan, 2020 it explains that every decision has a consequence “One thing to note is that this theory is a form of consequentialism: the right action is understood entirely in terms of consequences produced.” If the person does something he or she will have to pay the consequence. An example of the story “Say Hello, Wave Goodbye” By Tony Parson is the American man in the story who was accusing Barack Obama of inserting a microchip into is brain and ended having a fake passaport and lying about his identity. He ended up being deported again to U.S. The ethic comes into place because all the bad decisions have consequences. . The American Girl in the story “Say Hello, Wave Goodbye.” By Tony Parson, Published in London in 2011 told Jazz she was a “bitch” which made her situation even harder for her. “Bitch… “I’ll start with her, Jazz said she swiped the card that let into the holding room.” This quote from Megan “The American girl” is important because instead of treating Jazz nicely and trying to figure out Jazz decision Megan insulted her and that made Jazz take decision as to check Megan bag and discover Megan was going to the UK to stay.
In Conclusion the story “Say Hello, Wave Goodbye” Tony Parson specify a lot ethic that the characters have. One of the main character was Jaswinder Smith that throughout the story she tried to be professional but at the same time follow her ethics to make big decisions. Other characters as to Megan and the other American man are an example of every decision have a consequence. Even though Jaswinder allow the Korean lady to enter the UK even though she had a overboard excuse she didn’t lied and there was history on other people actually doing the same thing. On top of that the Korean lady had all her document in place and had proof she was going to go back to her homeland. Ethics such as Virtue and Utilitarian ethics helped the character of Jaswinder to be understood whenever she took a decision.