A story that I really liked was “the veld” because it is a story that shows us what could happen if technology continues to advance. Another thing that I liked was the end of the story, it left me with a lot of intrigue about what happened to the parents and the children, did the parents die? disappeared? What happened in itself with everything, it left me with many doubts. This story shows me the consequences of wanting to have an easy life in which everything is done by someone else or, as in the story, the house. the house brushed teeth, dressed and made food for everyone. people practically didn’t have to do anything. The children did not do anything for themselves and for me that is very bad, and an example is when the parents decide to turn off the nursery, the children became hysterical, they shouted not to turn it off and worse they got when the parents said they had to leave on vacation to a place where they themselves will have to do everything. 

I think that the main characters in the story are basically the parents, since most of the story is the parents talking about the nursery. Two important scenes for me are when the father decides to turn off the nursery forever and when they decide that it is better that they go on vacation to get away from so much technology. I think these scenes are important because the problem at the end of the story originates from these decisions. The ethics that the parent follow I think is Utilitarian ethics because they look like people that got that house for they self-interest since the house do everything, the mother don’t have to clean or cook, the father don’t have to play with the kids or get dressed. And I think they created that nursery just to avoid having to be with the children without think in the future consequences.