Author: Melanie Alvarado

Melanie Alvarado 

Final essay, English 2001

December 13, 2020

Have a better life

According to Fernando Savater, “Ethics is nothing more than the rational attempt to find out how to live better.” People make daily decisions according to our ethical criteria, these decisions taken result from the different types of ethics that people follow to feel better. This essay explores different types of ethics found in the science fiction book “The Veldt” written by Ray Bradbury. The three different types of ethics that stand out the most throughout history are global ethics and utilitarian ethics. The author, Ray B. presents these ethics in the characters when they decide in times of stress.

The story is mainly based on a family, parents named George and Lydia Hadley and their two young children Wendy and Peter. The family lives in a smart house that does everything that a person is supposed to do, like cleaning or taking care of the children. The first type of ethics that we can find in history is Global ethics, since it shows us questions and ethical problems that arise from the global interconnection and interdependence of the world population. The problem that exists at the present time due to the advancement of technology. In the story, we can see how the author made parents make the decision to have a smart home to present the idea of how the advancement of technology in a home can led to problems in families, such as lack of communication and forming an obsession in infants to technology. This decision illustrates global ethics because it presents a problem that currently affects most of the population. As can be seen in the story, Peter, their son said, “That sounds dreadful! Would I have to tie my own shoes instead of letting the shoe tier do it? And brush my own teeth and comb my hair and give myself a bath?” (Page 9). This actively illustrates that the child in the story is obsessed with technology because the smart home does for him the basic activities of a human being, leaving the child without a basic knowledge of survival. On the other hand, according to the book “The Veldt” it is mentioned “Too much of anything isn’t good for anyone ” (Page 5) as for example, the obsession caused the children to stop having a sentimental effect on their parents. Creating a closer relationship with the machines than with their parents. Communication problems and obsession and dependence on technology are created by parents when deciding to buy the house to live better, but the decision was counterproductive, by complicating and adding more problems in the family. Therefore, the parents make the decision to leave home to stop having the problems mentioned above, a decision that is global ethics.

Another essential point is another ethical decision made in “The Veldt” is Utilitarian ethics. An illustration of this ethical decision, is when the father turns off the children’s playroom, making his children, Peter and Wendy cry and scream, until George decides to turn it on again on the condition that he says ” All right — all right, if they’ll just shut up. One minute, mind you, and then off forever ” (Page 12). A decision made at a time of stress by George the father, for his own benefit, although he knows that giving his children more time will hurt them. Furthermore, another idea presented on utilitarian ethics is about how, at the beginning of the story, parents feel that they have no function at home, the mother Lynda declared “That’s just it. I feel like I don’t belong here. The house is wife and mother now, and nursemaid” (Page 4) ergo, she felt the discontent towards not being able to do nothing and feel worthless. The decision that the mother makes to move out of the house with the family, is due to wanting the happiness of feeling useful in her home, so it is a decision that seeks to increase happiness, but it’s a decision self-interest.

On the other hand, we can observe a connection between utilitarian ethics and the spirit of perverseness. The children, Wendy and Peter, in the story decide to kill their parents, because they disagree with their parents, since they do want to live in the house with the technology. Children know that to get to live in the house is to kill their parents. “Open the door! cried George Hadley […] Why, they’ve locked it from the outside! Peter![…]He heard Peter’s voice outside […] Don’t let them switch off the nursery and the house, he was saying. […]Mr. and Mrs. George Hadley beat at the door. Now, don’t be ridiculous, children[…] And then they heard the sounds.[…]The lions. Mr. Hadley looked at his wife and they turned and looked back at the beasts edging slowly forward crouching, tails stiff. Mr. and Mrs. Hadley screamed” The spirt perverseness connects with this scene because the children know they are doing something erroneous, but they do it anyway. Children make the decision to kill their parents for their own benefit even if others suffer. Therefore, both concepts don’t think about long-term consequences.

To sum up everything that has been stated, in the story “the prairie” the author represents two remarkable types of ethics, such as Global ethics as well as Utilitarian Ethics. Both types of ethics are represented through history, these are represented in the decisions made by the characters in the story. Each decision was made with the main idea of wanting to have a better life. This story shows the readers an example of what the consequences of the decisions we make daily could affect our life. 

coffeehouse #5

A story that I really liked was “the veld” because it is a story that shows us what could happen if technology continues to advance. Another thing that I liked was the end of the story, it left me with a lot of intrigue about what happened to the parents and the children, did the parents die? disappeared? What happened in itself with everything, it left me with many doubts. This story shows me the consequences of wanting to have an easy life in which everything is done by someone else or, as in the story, the house. the house brushed teeth, dressed and made food for everyone. people practically didn’t have to do anything. The children did not do anything for themselves and for me that is very bad, and an example is when the parents decide to turn off the nursery, the children became hysterical, they shouted not to turn it off and worse they got when the parents said they had to leave on vacation to a place where they themselves will have to do everything. 

I think that the main characters in the story are basically the parents, since most of the story is the parents talking about the nursery. Two important scenes for me are when the father decides to turn off the nursery forever and when they decide that it is better that they go on vacation to get away from so much technology. I think these scenes are important because the problem at the end of the story originates from these decisions. The ethics that the parent follow I think is Utilitarian ethics because they look like people that got that house for they self-interest since the house do everything, the mother don’t have to clean or cook, the father don’t have to play with the kids or get dressed. And I think they created that nursery just to avoid having to be with the children without think in the future consequences.

Melanie Alvarado -Midterm essay


Melanie Alvarado

Midterm essay, English 2001

Oct 26, 2020

            Something natural in human beings is to feel guilt or remorse when you act negatively towards another. But what happens when that feeling of remorse is not present? How does a person stop the feeling of guilt from eating them? The writer Edgar Allan Poe, author of the story â€śThe black cat” and the writer William Faulkner author of â€śA rose for Emily” manifest two Gothic stories that present examples of people not feeling remorse despite their actions.

            In the story â€śThe black cat”, the narrator as the main character, because of the alcohol, has a violent behavior towards his cat and wife, ending in the end with the life of his wife, by an act of spontaneous rage. To later bury it in the wall of his basement. This Gothic and macabre story presents an act of irony, throughout the story we can witness how the narrator expresses an unconditional love towards animals, however he also acts violently with his cat, until he ends up killing it. The irony is present when he ends up killing his cat when he expressed his love for animals. The narrator when killed his cat “I experienced a sentiment half of horror, half of remorse, for the crime of which I had been guilty; but it was, at best, a feeble and equivocal feeling, and the soul remained untouched” developing the spirit of perverseness. This actively illustrates that the narrator commits an act where he knows it is wrong, regardless he does it anyway, because he does not care about the consequences, because of his lack of remorse.

            The story â€śA rose for Emily” Emily as the main character, possess a difficulty in overcoming or accepting the death of a loved one, since in the story we see when her father dies, she denies his death for three days. Thus, the conclusion of that memory makes her to avoid going through the same situation, in consequences she killed her fiancĂ© so that he would be with her forever. According to the story “- I want arsenic. The druggist looked down at her. She looked back at him, erect, her face like a strained flag. -Why, of course- the druggist said. -If that’s what you want. But the law requires you to tell what you are going to use it for.- Miss Emily just stared at him, her head tilted back in order to look him eye for eye, until he looked away and went and got the arsenic and wrapped it up”. The reason for this occurrence is to show how Emily knew that she could not tell her true reasons for buying poison, because her intentions were to kill her fiancĂ©. Therefore, Emily shows the spirit of perverseness by killing out of selfishness and without feeling guilt.

            Both stories as it has been possible to read in the previous paragraphs, the main characters lack remorse. However, a significant contrast between the two is the reasons why they commit their actions. Emily killed her fiancĂ© as a symbolic act of undying love. As death for her did not make people leave, on the contrary death for her meant that he would always remain by her side, for that reason she wanted to keep the body of her beloved in bed with her. “Then we noticed that in the second pillow was the indentation of a head. One of us lifted something from it, and leaning forward, that faint and invisible dust dry and acrid in the nostrils, we saw a long strand of iron-gray hair” this quote proves that the strand of hair is a reminder of love lost and the often perverse things people do in their pursuit of happiness. On the other hand, the main character of â€śThe black cat” killed his wife for an act of rage blaming his cat, without expressing love for his wife, an example of this is how he quickly looked for a way to get rid of the body of his wife. “Goaded by the interference into a rage more than demoniacal, I withdrew my arm from her grasp and buried the axe in her brain. She fell dead upon the spot without a groan. This hideous murder accomplished, I set myself forthwith, and with entire deliberation, to the task of concealing the body” This quote proves it. Making in contrast both murders, one for love and another for rage.

            Another contrast is how in the story “A Rose for Emily” Emily planned in advance the death of her fiancĂ©, she knew how and when she was going to kill him. With cold blood she poisoned her husband to keep his love, a counterproductive fact, because Emily wants his eternal love, when in real life you cannot have a romantic relationship with a dead person. On the other hand, the story â€śThe black cat” the narrator did not think to kill his wife, it was a spontaneous act, a situation in which you act first and then you think. One murderer was planned and another spontaneous.

            To sum up everything that has been stated, the lack of remorse in the characters causes them to commit incoherent or heinous acts that have devastating consequences for the surrounding people. The spirit of perverseness is present in every story.

essay draft

Melanie Alvarado

Midterm Essay, English 2001

Oct 19, 2020

Reading “the black cat” and “a rose for Emily” we discover that they are two Gothic stories that have much in common. First, we will talk about what the stories are about to better understand the plot. After knowing the stories, we are going to explore two characters that have a lot in common and how the Gothic elements help their development.

              â€śThe black cat” by Edgar Allan Poe is about a man who loved animals, he married a woman who loved them too. They have many animals roaming around it, they were both thrilled and very in love with their animals. Throughout history, the man gave himself up to drink and while doing that he neglected the animals, he also yelled at his wife, but he never mistreated the cat, the man still loved his cat. But after a while the black cat receives the same consequences as the other animals and the man’s wife. Another day the man returned home drunk and hatred ran through his body when he saw the cat who looked at him with fear. So, he grabbed a rope and the cat, to hang it on the branch of a tree in a house where he hanged it. They moved, but in their new neighborhood, there was a one-eyed cat with a white spot around its neck. With fear running through his blood, he grabs the ax to kill the cat. His wife, in defense of the creature, claims him, telling him not to kill this new animal; The man, as he saw that she would not let him out, killed her. The police arrived, and in search of the wife’s body, they broke down the wall. In which there was a black cat with fire coming out of one eye and a white spot that surrounded its neck, on the corpse of the wife. 

“A rose for Emily” by William Faulkner is about a woman called Emily who loses her dad and start to have strange behavior. People in the neighborhood found out she was going to get married. However, she did not get to marry since Homer her fiancĂ© disappeared. From that moment coming and going. A very strong smell was felt, and the neighbors complained about the smell, but one day that smell disappears. At 74 she dies at home, and the neighbors go to her funeral and discover a room that no one had entered there forty years ago. When they entered the room, they found some men’s objects on the dresser and a suit. On the bed lay a man, and next to it was a pillow that had the marking of a head and gray hair.

Both stories have two characters in common, the unnamed narrator who tells the story in “the black cat” and Emily from “a rose for Emily.” These two characters are similar. In both stories, we can see the “spirit of perverseness” is was makes people do things they know will be bad for themselves and others. “Spirit of perverseness” is used to explain and show why they both behave like this. In “The black cat” the narrator shows that has a violent and aggressive emotional behavior and that he does not feel any remorse or guilt for his actions when he kills the cat he feel nothing and he knew that he doing something wrong but he kills it anyway. In “A rose for Emily” she buys the poison knowing it is dangerous and with the idea of killing her fiancĂ©, she knew she was doing wrong, but she did it anyway so he would never leave her. This shows how the spirit of perverseness works in both stories. We can also see in both stories many gothic elements like the black cat and the Emily’s house to represent the death. The strand of hair like reminder of love and the perverse thing that a person could do to find the happiness.


In the stories “The house of Asterion” and “A very old man with enormous wings” we can see that have gothic elements. The first is the characters, in “the house of Asterion” the main character is a mystery man, he can leave his house, he is not a prisoner but he prefers not to go out since once he tried and people get scared and wanted to hurt him. In all story we think that this man is weird an we don’t the reasons until the end where we discovered that is a minotaur. In “A very old man with enormous wings” appeared a mystery and weird man with wings in the yard of a family, people think that os an angel, the family locked him in the chicken coop.

 The second is the plot point, in the “The house of Asterion” we see a dream, we think that the story is about a mystery man that people fear because he never leaves his house, a lonely man, but as we continue the story we discover that those people fear him because he is a minotaur, and those people that he thought he played were not, they are people who wanted to go to  see him to die. In “a very old man with enormous wings” we see a return to normalcy in the story. We see that the family can no longer bear to see the angel wandering around their house, they think there are too many angles so when the mysterious man finally manages to fly, he was no longer a hindrance in the life of the family, but an imaginary point on the horizon of the sea.

The third is the settings, in the “the House of Asterion” the story happen in a maze, the story never say that is a maze but it is easy to suppose since the story is telling us the story of the minotaur and how Teseo kill it, is a a mythological story. In the “a very old man with enormous wings” the story happens in an old house and the man spends most of the time in the henhouse that is a place dark and dirty.

Virtual Coffeehouse 1

One thing that I did that maybe was not too fun but made me feel good was that I was able to save enough money to buy the laptop I wanted. I worked hard and was very careful what to spend it on. So, I am very proud to have been able to achieve it since it costs a lot to save money for me.

Out of the three stories we have already read, my favorite is the “The Black Cat” when I read the first time, I was a little shocked since this story is a little creepy and the end was very surprising, but I like it since I like horror story and this story is  like a dark story. Other thing that I like is how the author uses a lot of phrases that identify me, an example “To those who have cherished an affection for a faithful and sagacious dog, I need hardly be at the trouble of explaining the nature or the intensity of the gratification thus derivable. There is something in the unselfish and self-sacrificing love of a brute, which goes directly to the heart of him who has had frequent occasion to test the paltry friendship and gossamer fidelity of mere Man.” I identify myself with this phrase since I love animals, I have two dogs and I love them more than anything.