In the stories “The house of Asterion” and “A very old man with enormous wings” we can see that have gothic elements. The first is the characters, in “the house of Asterion” the main character is a mystery man, he can leave his house, he is not a prisoner but he prefers not to go out since once he tried and people get scared and wanted to hurt him. In all story we think that this man is weird an we don’t the reasons until the end where we discovered that is a minotaur. In “A very old man with enormous wings” appeared a mystery and weird man with wings in the yard of a family, people think that os an angel, the family locked him in the chicken coop.

 The second is the plot point, in the “The house of Asterion” we see a dream, we think that the story is about a mystery man that people fear because he never leaves his house, a lonely man, but as we continue the story we discover that those people fear him because he is a minotaur, and those people that he thought he played were not, they are people who wanted to go to  see him to die. In “a very old man with enormous wings” we see a return to normalcy in the story. We see that the family can no longer bear to see the angel wandering around their house, they think there are too many angles so when the mysterious man finally manages to fly, he was no longer a hindrance in the life of the family, but an imaginary point on the horizon of the sea.

The third is the settings, in the “the House of Asterion” the story happen in a maze, the story never say that is a maze but it is easy to suppose since the story is telling us the story of the minotaur and how Teseo kill it, is a a mythological story. In the “a very old man with enormous wings” the story happens in an old house and the man spends most of the time in the henhouse that is a place dark and dirty.