Homework for Wednesday, Sept. 2



Hi Students,

1—I’m so sorry that I went over on time today! I really lost track of when the class ended. I will try to be aware of that from now on.

2—Thanks to everyone who volunteered to read or asked questions. I wrote down the names of all those students—they get maximum participation points for the day.

3—Please register on OpenLab, and then join my class. Make sure to bookmark the URL for our class website, if you have not done so already.


For Wednesday, please read “The Lottery,” by Shirley Jackson. Find this story on the “Readings” menu tab—near the bottom. Then, in your notes, answer at least two questions in each of the five categories in the 5-Part Reading Tool handout (also in the Readings menu tab). Pay special attention to plot and also this question: what should we learn from this story? Put another way, does this story have a lesson?




**Email any questions that you have.


Prof. Scanlan


  1. Alicia R

    Good morning professor. I put in the zoom meeting id and password and for the whole 9-9:45 it said that the meeting hadn’t started yet. The meeting id you sent originally is the one we use or is there a different one?

    • Professor Sean Scanlan

      Hi Alicia,

      I sent a new email (from CUNY First) with the new Zoom login information. I’m sorry I did not get to your message until now.

      Prof. Scanlan

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