(Title: A Green Dome)
Humanity seems to have captured nature or at least parts of it and secluded it to specific areas within our industrialized society as if it were a domesticated breed of dog or cat that evolved over the years into their own specific breed of animal.  I find these sights to be both quite sad and a display of nature’s brilliance as within the photo a sight both seen only within the untouched forests lay directly ahead and above us, with everyday city life looming in the background.

(Title: Across the Metallic Stream)
This photo taken of a tree line across the street where cars flow like water is very interesting. The idea that the tree in the foreground is both trying to block the building in the background in order to preserve the focus of the photo on the line of trees while also somehow seeming to grasp our attention to it even though it lies in the corner. The reality effect of the image being uphold by both the nature present in front of us, and the modernization seeping through the cracks and gaps within the branches of the trees is also interesting. 

(Title: Industrial Coffin)

This photo was taken with the idea of a tree being compartmented into its own coffin of concrete, and rebar, and steel, and whatever else goes into the complicated process of constructing modern buildings. However, the lighting is far more prevalent of a factor within this image. This photo was taken in the pitch-black night and my phone automatically brightened pieces in the center focus of the screen. The dark night that nature will seemingly never forget to provide, is crept into the corners on the right side of the photo.