Author: Ali

Ali Alkhulaki

The Deceiving Spy

In this essay, i will examine scenarios in the novel American Spy by Lauren Wilkinson where ethical selection was applied. More specifically i will dive into the lives of Marie…. and Daniel slater, as well as the cause and effect of the type of ethics they used. Disregarding morals, the ethical decisions these characters have made did not necessarily correlate to their personalities rather to the environmental situations they faced, furthermore we will look at the scenes in which virtue ethics caused Marie to shoot Slater and the utilitarianism ethic that caused Slater to insinuate Marie to kill Thomas Sanakara via syringe.

Marie is a dark skin woman who joined the FBI in a misogynistic era. Following her suspension from the FBI she was approached by Cia agent Ed Ross who persuaded her into joining his task force in Burkina Faso to take down Thomas Sankara and any possible communist takeover, in exchange she wanted a conversation with Daniel Slater who was a past lover of her beloved deceased sister Helene. … to be continued

Ali Alkhulaki

Hoover built the FBI into a larger crime-fighting agency than it was excepted to be. He created a number of modernizations to police technology, such as a centralized fingerprint file and forensic laboratories. Hoover also established and expanded a national blacklist, referred to as the FBI Index or Index List which contains a list of criminals that Fbi does not have much evidence on. Hoover in the novel by Lauren plays an important role as Marie’s father bill was one of a few handful of dark skin agents hired by J Edgar Hoover who were brought to participate in counterintelligence program. Hoovers idea of a perfect agent “was the white boy in a black suit, crew cut, spit shined, The Superman. Assuming Maries father bill was far from that, he didn’t even like his agents drinking coffee. The threat of political violence occupied many of the Bureau’s resources as did the threat of foreign espionage. In spite of Mr. Hoover’s age and length of service, presidents of both parties made the decision to keep him at the helm of the Bureau. When Mr. Hoover died in his sleep on May 2, 1972, he had led the FBI for 48 years

The Fbi is a organized bureau created for the domestic security and intelligence of the United States .

In the 1930s, the FBI attacked the violent crime by gangsters and implemented programs to professionalize U.S. law enforcement through training and forensic assistance. For example, the Bureau opened its Technical Laboratory to provide forensic analysis on Bureau investigations as well as services to other federal, state, and local law enforcement officials.

During the 1940s and 1950s, the Bureau made headlines for its staunch efforts against Nazi and Communist espionage. During World War II, the Bureau took the lead in domestic counterintelligence, counterespionage, and countersabotage investigations.

In the 1960s and early 1970s, the Bureau took on investigations in the field of civil rights and organized crime

Ali Alkhulaki coffee #2

Ali Alkhulaki

Coffee house #2

Robert Frosts “The Road Not Taken” makes me feel anxious because of the way he goes about in choosing the right path. Throughout the poem Robert Frost utilizes metaphor frequently. In context Robert was faced with two options of paths to take, he wanted to take both paths but as he is just one person he decided to take  the path that was less traveled on but based on what he seen on the road he determined by visually looking at the quality of  the leaves but as it turned out both roads looked similar. After deciding not to go on the first road due to its worn status. He determines that the 2nd option is better by stating outright that the road looked as if it had not had many travelers, the speaker states that it was “grassy”. And he also said “it wanted wear” basically telling the reader indirectly that he will be walking on that road. The poem reflects that although the speaker has chosen his option to travel on that path towards the end of the poem he  shockingly makes it seem as if choosing that path would not have been much more different which can possibly relate to normal person life choices that if you are faced with two choices the outcomes wouldn’t be so much different. Frosts  poem is more perceived as a story from from the speakers narration. The speaker does rhyme in every other line in cinquain(prom structure5 sentence). The main theme of this poem would be life decisions, everyone can gain something important from this poem and the life lesson that whichever path you take as long as you keep going and not be fazed by the path you can succeed.

My home is my happiness

Ali Alkhulaki

Prof Sean scanlan

English1121 composition 2




My home is my happiness


        Comfort does not necessarily represent a state of relaxation often it helps people be happier, and when people are happier they tend to work hard  which leads to better quality of what is being done.  My home is my ideal intellectual home, it’s the place where my levels of comfort are the greatest with that being said another intellectual home is reading and writing weather it be magazines or daily apps I use on my phone reading is a big part of my daily routine. Similar to Scibona I lacked courage and the will to motivate myself to gain knowledge and pursue a path in school, I chose a path of a simplicity where I worked a mediocre job in a place where my heart was not content with, I wanted more ! I excepted more from myself!


         Similar to Scibona reading became a haven it gave me the opportunity to understand more, it became a passageway to many opportunities and a way to be at happy and at peace with the mind.

Scibona lack of knowledge and passion to do better slowly shifted throughout the passage, his eagerness to break free from a lifestyle of unhappiness lead him to situations that became the building blocks of freedom from a world of sadness and his own mental slavery. Scibona described it as “ I wanted with certainty only one thing, to get out of Ohio, and the Colonel might hire me anywhere in the world”(Scibona pgaph1). In that text you can feel the emotional stress he is in. Similar to Scibona I fell into a comfort of what was present for me “ a underpaying job that felt miserable” it restrained me from opportunities and the ability to be able to get better for myself. The intellectual home of Comfort is very important it shows that even if you are comfortable in a place that is not fit for you, you will never be happy and content with yourself and it will affect your ability to bring out the best of yourself.



Alexie Sherman  is a writer that wrote Superman and Me , Which to sum it up  explains the struggles he went through as a Native American living on a reserve and growing up seeking knowledge to help him get out of the struggles of his people which where a very uneducated group that had low expectations for themselves leading  him to obtain  a Superman comic book which became the first step of him becoming the successful writer he is today. Similar to Sherman Alexie reading is very big part of my life and I started off with comic books,  captain underpants,, diary of wimpy kid these assortment of books that entertained me and helped me gain a love for reading. Alecia Sherman in context describes “ I refued to fail. I was smart. I was arrogant. I was lucky. I read book late into the night, until I could barely keep my eyes open” (Sherman, pg6). Reading became an addiction and can be justified as an healthy addiction which contributed to his success as a writer. Comfort does not just have to be in a place Sherman found his comfort in reading and reading gave him the push he needed to reach his peak performance.

My home is my happiness-Ali

Comfort brings out the best of me and helps me produce my best work. My home is my ideal intellectual home, its where i find the most comfort, peace and pushes my motivation to heights i cant reach elsewhere. My home is my haven its a place where i spend most of my time and i have developed a place in my heart for my home. Similar to Scibona i lacked courage and the will to motivate myself to gain knowledge and pursue a path in school, i chose a path of simplicity where i worked a mediocre job in a place where my heart was not content with. I went from being motivated high school student who wanted to achieve his dreams to losing that pasion in a matter of months. My progression and the long hours i spent at home reconsidering my life made me realize that its never too late to set out and chase your dreams. Growing up in Nyc either makes you or it breaks you but taking the time out of your life to mentally uplift yourself is one of the things that helped me progress. Theres only so much a person can endure but finding that place of comfort will keep you going.

Ali Alkhulaki #1

The essays of Alexia and Scibona both had significant connection with personal struggles they individually faced in their lives.  Sherman Alexia “Superman and Me” expressed the importance of education and an approach to obtaining it. Sherman writes about the events which led him to fall in love with reading. Sherman included many details and mentions characters such as his father as source of connection to the love of reading and novels.  Sherman states “A smart Indian is a dangerous person”, I believe any smart person is a dangerous one and him coming from an Indian background the expectation of failure was common in this non-Indian world he lived in. Knowledge is one thing money cannot buy and is the power that creates great outcomes and Sherman understood that he used that to break free from this customary lifestyle.  Similar to Sherman this relates to my personal desire to acquire more knowledge. Sherman read everything from comic books to signs to anything that had words which adds up to the reason he fell in love with reading and ultimately him becoming a writer.  This essay can be used as a motivation for kids or anyone seeking a love for reading or the desire to have the ability to control his own path in life.