Bilal Rahmani’s intellectual home is a combination of both the school and the community of students and professors that attend there. Seeing that the other students were as eager to learn as him, it changed his entire perspective on the school and what it meant for him. Before he was set on the idea that no one in the school cared or put any effort to learn or teach, and that those kids were basically just attending the school and taking in what it has to offer.  He even mentioned that the school has come to shape the person he’s always wanted to become. He described the community as vibrant and loved that he could be engaged and more motivated in his classes which he didn’t feel before. It’s welcoming when he gets to discuss and debate over topics in each class and get different views, perspectives and more about countless topics. It opened him up more and he got into sharing his skills, attending and participating in clubs, helping out other students with tutoring and giving back to the community as well. The people, the place and the processes definitely played a big role in his best academic work at City Tech.