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Author: Justin

Gas v electric vehicle

What provides efficiency to the world most? People believe the most efficient vehicle to have nowadays is electric powered. However, the people who say that now don’t realize that there’s many expenses that come with electrical power. Yes, it might keep the planet more clean but where can you charge without sitting in a lot for three hours. The answer to that question is at home. But, that can cause many unwanted problems. The electric bill will skyrocket because the wall charger that comes with the car need a lot of power.  What I believe is better is gas powered because they hold gas so you can travel far some cars have different size tanks  that hold the gas. Having something like that is much better in a lot of ways. First, you might not encounter as many problems as a electric powered car. Second, you don’t have to charge a car to travel. Yes, gas powered has many environmental issues like pollution caused by the exhaust fumes.  Never

“Rahmani’s Intellectual Home”

As I would see it my thought process about Rahmani’s Intellectual home is him thinking he was being denied of his life but in reality, it was helping him open his eyes about school. I say that because he was denied everything he chose on what middle school and high school he went to. Yes, he wasn’t always his best and all that, but he did try. The problem he’s having is when he did try doing something good for himself he’d fail. In this constant denial, he felt trapped. When he set off for college he had an equivalent outlook on being trapped however later saw a more profound perspective. Starting CityTech college he went to get help choosing his classes and when he got his help he felt that the guidance teacher gave him the most uninteresting classes. When he got to his English class he believed he was the only one in the class going to answer the teachers’ questions. However, he was wrong a fellow student helped him understand to not worry about what people think of him and stay open-minded. Nevertheless, as soon as he started to see how college works he started to like it. He started joining clubs, helping his peers do well in school, joining contests, and generally helping out the community in CityTech.