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Author: Jennifer Pugo


            One thing I learned through these documents is that mental health in college students is very important because it causes many effects one example can be by affecting how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. I believe that it’s important that parents  show love to their adolescents because staying connected can enhance mental wellness. College students should have to take their own responsibilities in a certain time because by growing it is important to learn how to be independent and how to move on in their own steps and in the future this will help them a lot on how to deal with anxiety.

Jennifer Pugo Research

Have you ever thought about how many students suffer from mental health?. In document  ”Improving College Students Mental Health”, From: Gale Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection Publisher: Gale, a Cengage Company Author: Kerry McDonald. College students experience high rates of depression and anxiety because they have been overly coddled and lack the tools to deal with everyday stress. More specifically, McDonald demonstrates that students cannot face their own responsibilities for being pampered. The reason for the anxiety is because they had a spoiled adolescence where they could not deal with stress and anxiety. This is because the parents always face their children’s obstacles and do not give them the opportunity to face a circumstance on their own. One of the most important things parents can do is let their college-age children face their own reality and begin to take responsibility for themselves. According to the document ”Improving College Students Mental Health”, by Kerry MacDonald, says “McDonald expresses concern that parents prevent children from developing the tools necessary to deal with their problems. Further, the author asserts, colleges focus too much on trauma and mental illness, ” This reveals that college helps students develop into mature, responsible and independent adults but parents are not letting their kids grow independently. This is the cause of improving college students’ mental health by teaching them that they should face their own obstacles in life because there is not always going to be a parent that will guide you in all steps. It’s important to understand that being independent will increase your ability to work better on your own conflicts. 


      Another example is this document “I didn’t know I Had Depression Until It Hit Me For The Second Time”. From Gale Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Publisher: Gale , a Cengage Company. Author: Rachel Simon. Have you ever thought about depression, oh how it feels?.Well I believe that sometimes we might confuse sickness or a bad day with depression. Many people assume that depression is easily identifiable, manifesting itself as persistent sadness that doesn’t lift. Others might make bad decisions when it gets to anxiety and not knowing how to deal with it. More specifically you should always stand up for your emotions and feel free to speak up on how you are feeling because without any help you will not be able to control your anxiety or depression. It’s important to take anxiety really seriously because one decision will not make your anxiety go away. College students should try to be prepared for a new beginning when it come to college because it’s important to know that now you’re on your clown and you have to courage yourself to a new journal for your future  According to the documents “I Didn’t Know I Had Depression Until It Hit Me for the Second Time” by Rachel Simon it says “Depression does not work like that, of course. Moving to a new environment can certainly help, but helping is different than healing”. This demonstrates that changing a lifestyle may help your ability of thinking and how it impacts your life but emotionally you can still be affected because you’re not having the right treatment or a professional adviser that will tell you how to deal with your anxiety. This shows me the importance of awareness in society.


   Lastly my third document “What Parents Can Really Do to Help Prepare Their Teens for Success” Author: Kerry McDonaldFrom: Gale Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Publisher: Gale, a Cengage Company.Show me that parents can help their teens by guiding them for a better future and how life can get hard but they still need to move on and prevent mental health. Teachers and parents should  find a way to make students feel more secure about them and how anything is possible when hard work is put on. Teenagers need a purpose and mission to give their lives meaning because they need to prepare themselves for a new chapter in a life. Sports or a part time job should be a way students may control their anxiety and depression because they will have their mind busy and spend their time in a productive way. College students  may grow to be responsible and to  understand the adult world and be surrounded by a diverse group of mentors and engaged in authentic, real-life pursuits. This is how parents can prepare college students for a better future in college. In the documents  it says “ they should consider trading a well-schooled life for a well-lived one. They can encourage their teens to get jobs and gain beneficial work experience—and make sure that their kids handle it all independently, learning through trial and error”. This demonstrates that Kerry Mcdonald  wants to show society that working and letting students be more independent might help for their upbringing since they will see life a little more realistic. Also students have opportunities to improve their leadership and interpersonal skills while also increasing their self-confidence. This is important for students because it will  improve their mental health and also control their anxiety through time.

Improving College Students’ Mental Health


                                              How to Improve College Students’ Mental Health?


              ”Improving College Students Mental Health”, by Kerry McDonald claims that college students experience high rates of depression and anxiety because they have been overly coddled and lack the tools to deal with everyday stress. More specifically, McDonald demonstrates that students cannot face their own responsibilities for being pampered. The reason for the anxiety is because they had a spoiled adolescence where they could not deal with stress and anxiety. This is because the parents always face their children’s obstacles and do not give them the opportunity to face a circumstance on their own. One of the most important things parents can do is let their college-age children face their own reality and begin to take responsibility for themselves. According to the article “Improving College Students Mental Health”, by Kerry MacDonald, says “McDonald expresses concern that parents prevent children from developing the tools necessary to deal with their problems. Further, the author asserts, colleges focus too much on trauma and mental illness, ” This reveals that college helps students develop into mature, responsible and independent adults but parents are not letting their kids grow independently. This is the cause of improving college students’ mental health by teaching them that they should face their own obstacles in life because there is not always going to be a parent that will guide you in all steps. It’s important to understand that being independent will increase your ability to work better on your own conflicts. 


“Rahmani’s Intellectual Home” Jennifer Pugo ENG 1101

My perspective about Rahmani’s Intellectual Home is that Rahmanis’s  always believed that he was a very smart student. In “High School for Health Professions and Human Services” He always was a hard worker student,  but since he failed he never felt secure in education because he will always try his best in school but when he failed he never felt that interest in study and interacting with others. Rahmani started to see school as a place just to go and learn but he will always be aware of the time because he could wait to go home.  Staring City Tech college he was not sure if this was the right place to be but, In spring 2011 his semester started in english class in the classroom they were discussing a short story named  “Cat in the Rain,” by Ernest Hemingway, Rahmani’s belief that no one will understand the short story as much as he can so he decided to participate on a question that the professor did but a girl next to him was  called first and she gave her point of view of this short story  and he though that she was very inappropriate on her opinions to this story because he belief that Hemingway could never  possess such an immature trait, After listening to the teacher he couldn’t  believe that all his  judgments was wrong and he decided to participate more with his classmates and share his ideas. After this he vanished his ego and was more active in school and decided to interact more with education and listen to all opinions with a clear mindset his knowledge has become very important in his life.