How to Improve College Students’ Mental Health?


              ”Improving College Students Mental Health”, by Kerry McDonald claims that college students experience high rates of depression and anxiety because they have been overly coddled and lack the tools to deal with everyday stress. More specifically, McDonald demonstrates that students cannot face their own responsibilities for being pampered. The reason for the anxiety is because they had a spoiled adolescence where they could not deal with stress and anxiety. This is because the parents always face their children’s obstacles and do not give them the opportunity to face a circumstance on their own. One of the most important things parents can do is let their college-age children face their own reality and begin to take responsibility for themselves. According to the article “Improving College Students Mental Health”, by Kerry MacDonald, says “McDonald expresses concern that parents prevent children from developing the tools necessary to deal with their problems. Further, the author asserts, colleges focus too much on trauma and mental illness, ” This reveals that college helps students develop into mature, responsible and independent adults but parents are not letting their kids grow independently. This is the cause of improving college students’ mental health by teaching them that they should face their own obstacles in life because there is not always going to be a parent that will guide you in all steps. It’s important to understand that being independent will increase your ability to work better on your own conflicts.